For 2 years in this current company, i have at least seen more than a thousand vehicles in and out of my daily routine of emails. as i'm in an automotive industry that deals with accident vehicles and photographs are taken on the damaged vehicles and later to be emailed to the insurance companies. so for these 2 years, i have not seen a single vehicle of his similar make and model. NOT a single one until recently it kept appearing. and for these past two weeks, i have seen them on the road, on the internet and even in my line of work which seldom occured. sharks man.
is this plain coincidence? or the work of God? i think this would normally happens to people who have just fallen out of love. because everytime when you try so hard to forget about the one that breaks your heart, the memories will flood your mind non-stop whenever you see something that reminds of him/her. for me, it had never been an easy task to forget about the person you loved and cherish. everynow and then, memories just flood me. 24/7. the only way to get out of this cycle is to keep myself busy with strangers, friends. objects. toys. food. shopping. aarrrgghh... but lately i felt that the harder i try, the harder it becomes. i thought that i could finally rest my heart with him at this final stop, but i guess i need to run another round of marathon. or maybe i wont run any more. its so tiring to get yourself involved with relationships. one after another.you keep guessing what they want. what he wants. what she wants. all that guessing games adults play... sigh. i wonder if i could consult him about how he deals with his emotions? or maybe he doesn't have them at all?? aiya, i forgot he won't answer my questions... guys. they simply drive you crazy.
that saturday i went shopping with friends after dinner. saw a sale going on in G2000 boutique. shirts. pants. socks. all on sale for up to 70%. after i was done with mine, i went over to the gents section. the socks were on sale at 40% off. hmmm... after some calculations, okay quite cheap. i got a pair. no la, they were not unisex. i bought it with the intention to give it to him but later remembered about what he said, i realised that i could no longer have any excuse to pass it to him. die la.
one bunch of bananas. one of them is rotten.spolit. but that doesnt mean that you would throw away the whole bunch. you still can try your luck at the other bananas in the same bunch right? though that bunch of bananas might not offer a variety of tastes(brown, fried, marinate or original )but i think it's still worth trying... just like if a single tree in the forest is 'sick', doesn't mean you have to burn down the whole forest right? get the picture?
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