Friday, April 17, 2009

Our Perfect Exemplar

Every Muslim should be familiar with how our Prophet s.a.w behaves towards people, whether they were Muslims or non Muslims.

And we know, many a times, actions do speak louder than words.

Remember the stories we hear about our beloved Prophet s.a.w? There's one story that i had it stuck on my head amongst many others that were told.

There was an old lady who didn't like our Prophet s.a.w. So everytime our Prophet s.a.w walked below a bridge, she would throw rubbish down and it would land on our Rasulullah s.a.w. Every day, she would do that. Until one day, Prophet s.a.w walked past the bridge but to his surprise, no rubbish came down. So he went around and asked where does the old lady stay and he was told that she was sick. So he went to her house and visit her. The old lady was shocked! She never expect Rasulullah s.a.w to visit her despite all those disgusting acts that she did to him.

This is Rasulullah s.a.w. The man that was sent down as a mercy to mankind, to perfect our character and as a perfect exemplar to mankind.

And I would like to quote one of the statement that Shaykh Khalil Moore said in his recent talk @ SimplyIslam:
Love is a reciprocal thing. He(Rasulullah s.a.w) loves us. And why can't we reciprocate his love by loving him back?

Monday, April 13, 2009

Random reports of a convert

I’m going to relate an incident that happened about a month ago. I got a sms from a friend who wanted me to volunteer for Darul Arqam’s Public Lecture. In that sms, it specifically asked for Chinese converts but I didn’t know the reason behind such request. Anyhow, I signed up for it but I missed the briefing session.

Dr Gerald Dirks was our guest speaker and the venue was at the NTUC Auditorium. And I heard from another friend that the security in the building is very tight, and no prayers will be allowed in the auditorium because security cameras were everywhere. And the talk had been scheduled to deliver from 5 to 7pm. And volunteers had to assemble for a final briefing by 4pm. So what about my asar prayers then? I called up my friend and she told me that Darul will arrange for a small prayer area for volunteers. Alhamdulillah, I cry out.

Took my wudhu and left my house. Volunteers who attended the briefing session were given their stations to carry out their jobs. Since I didn’t attend the briefing, I was told to position myself at the entrance to give out door gifts, together with a few others. And I think, there were enough manpower to take turns to pray. I know that my amanah is to carry out my volunteer job conscientiously but I do not want to delay my prayer too late. So I approached my friend for the musollah. She told me to wait as they wanted to wait for the security guard to move away from the premises.

Waited and waited. Finally I followed her to an area where there was no cameras along with another sister. A couple of sajadahs were placed on the floor with the ‘mosque picture’ facing outwards. And guess what, when I prayed finished, they told me it was the wrong direction. So 3 of us had to pray again. Astaghfirullah’al azim.

After my prayers, I went back to my station to perform my duties. I noticed that there were new faces at the door, distributing the door gifts. I asked the sister who was standing infront of me if she had done her prayers. She said she will do it later as she already had her wudhu. But it was 5plus already. Politely, I told her again: “ There’s enough manpower here, so u can go now.” She replied:” Why you keep asking me to go and pray? You want to do this(referring to the door gifts) is it? I replied: “Not that, just that my teacher told me about taking care of my asar prayers and to pray within the earliest time possible.” She answered back: “Girl, I know you convert and you must pray on the dot. I am already 60 yrs old, I know all these things.”

Perhaps, it’s fated that I got such answers. But I felt sad. Do converts give such an impression to others? Is this supposed to be good or bad?

After that episode, I asked myself; is it wrong to pray at the earliest time possible? Am I being too rigid, too zealous about my prayers? Am I harbouring the right intentions about my prayers? Do I treat them like a ritual to be fulfilled immediately, or do I treat them like the most precious ‘meeting’ I have with my Lord?

Only Allah knows what is hidden in our breasts.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

What do you like about Islam?

Before I became a Muslim, I’ve always marveled at the clouds in the sky, the rain that pours down from the sky, and the rainbow that comes after that.

Science can explain to us things beyond what we normally can fathom. But can science explain how the human body can actually repairs and regenerate cells on its own (like running on auto-pilot), how the sperm and the egg can fertilize and become an embryo and finally becomes a foetus and lives in the woman’s uterus.

He created the heavens and the earth in true (proportions): He makes the Night overlap the Day, and the Day overlap the Night: He has subjected the sun and the moon (to His law), each one follows a course for a time appointed. Is not He the Exalted in Power― He Who forgives again and again? (5) He created you (all) from a single person: then created, of like nature, his mate; and He sent down for you eight head of cattle in pairs: He makes you, in the wombs of your mothers, in stages, one after another in three veils of darkness. Such is Allah your Lord and Cherisher: to Him belongs (all) dominion. There is no god but He: then how are ye turned away (from your true Center)?
(Surah az-Zumar 39: 4-5)

Alhamdulillah! If Allah swt hasn’t send his Guide, Prophet Muhammad s.a.w and His Holy Quran, I wouldn’t be able to get answers anywhere, not even in the scriptures of Buddhism, and I wouldn’t be able to embrace Islam and to accept the truth about the existence of the One True God.

For someone who loves the nature, these are the verses that got me attracted to Islam.

And what I loved about Islam?

Islam covers every aspect of a man's life on earth. And the al-Furqan (Quran) that comes with it, it is the guidance that mankind need in order to survive on this earth. Every product comes with the manual right? With every creation that our Master Creator created, there were Prophets and Messengers that were sent to convey the true Message of God's existence and Oneness through the books (Torah, Zabur, Injil and Furqan).

And with this i conclude:

It is only in Islam, does our hearts find peace and solace.

Friday, April 03, 2009

A Muslim's du'a

Abdullah ibn 'Amr ibn al-'As, may Allah be pleased with him and his father, said, "Fine things, he who embodies them will be happy in this world and in the next -
the first is to regularly say, 'La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadun rasulu Allah' - There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah;

the second is to say when inflicted with a calamity, Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un, wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahil 'aliyyil 'azim - Verily we belong to Allah and to Him we shall all return, and there is no power or might except by the will of Allah the most High, the Mighty;

the thrid is to say in gratitude when given a blessing, 'Alhamdulillahi rabbil 'alamin' - Praise be to Allah, Lorad of the Universe;

the fourth is to say when beginning anything, 'Bismillahir rahmanir rahim' - In the name of Allah the most Merciful the most Kind;

and the fifth is to say upon committing a sin, 'Astaghfiru llahal 'azima wa atubu ilayh' - I seek the forgiveness of Allah the Greatest and I repent to Him.

(Preparing for the day of Judgement by Imam ibn Hajar al-asqalani)

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Ya Rasullulah s.a.w

Ya Rasullulah s.a.w! Ya Rasullulah s.a.w!

Allah swt created you to be sent as a mercy to mankind. But yet mankind did not rekindle your mercy and compassion, and had even subjected you to abuse, humiliation, sorcery, and tried to draw caricatures of you, ya The Most Loved of the Beloved!

Your ummah is being tested to prove our love to you. Hate emails were circulated in the whole wide world to sabotage Danish's products and even led to protests across the Muslim world, some of which escalated into violence with police firing on the crowds (resulting in more than 100 deaths, altogether), including setting fire to the Danish Embassies in Syria, Lebanon and Iran, storming European buildings, and desecrating the Danish, Dutch, Norwegian and German flags in Gaza City. While a number of Muslim leaders called for protesters to remain peaceful, other Muslim leaders across the globe, including Mahmoud al-Zahar of Hamas, issued death threats. We were told to circulate to as many Muslims as possible, to defend our Prophet's name, otherwise we shall have to bear the punishment in the Hereafter. But is it true, ya Rasullulah? If you were still around, would you do that?

Ya Rasullulah s.a.w! Are we loving you the right way? Are we truly following the 'legacy of righteous behaviour' that you have left behind for us as a true example? If we say we love you, does our actions match what our lips say?

Ya Rasullulah s.a.w! You have the honour to be placed alongside Allah's name in every Muslim home. We have you on our walls, but do we truly have you in our hearts?? Did we hang you on our tongues or only on the hooks of our walls?

Ya Allah! I am your weak servant and follower of the most Beautiful religion that you have given and bestowed upon me. I seek your mercy and forgiveness for the wrongs that i've done, for the sins that i've committed and the disobedience that was carried out. Please guide me on the straight path, ya Allah!