Ya Rasullulah s.a.w! Ya Rasullulah s.a.w!
Allah swt created you to be sent as a mercy to mankind. But yet mankind did not rekindle your mercy and compassion, and had even subjected you to abuse, humiliation, sorcery, and tried to draw caricatures of you, ya The Most Loved of the Beloved!
Your ummah is being tested to prove our love to you. Hate emails were circulated in the whole wide world to sabotage Danish's products and even led to protests across the Muslim world, some of which escalated into violence with police firing on the crowds (resulting in more than 100 deaths, altogether), including setting fire to the Danish Embassies in Syria, Lebanon and Iran, storming European buildings, and desecrating the Danish, Dutch, Norwegian and German flags in Gaza City. While a number of Muslim leaders called for protesters to remain peaceful, other Muslim leaders across the globe, including Mahmoud al-Zahar of Hamas, issued death threats. We were told to circulate to as many Muslims as possible, to defend our Prophet's name, otherwise we shall have to bear the punishment in the Hereafter. But is it true, ya Rasullulah? If you were still around, would you do that?
Ya Rasullulah s.a.w! Are we loving you the right way? Are we truly following the 'legacy of righteous behaviour' that you have left behind for us as a true example? If we say we love you, does our actions match what our lips say?
Ya Rasullulah s.a.w! You have the honour to be placed alongside Allah's name in every Muslim home. We have you on our walls, but do we truly have you in our hearts?? Did we hang you on our tongues or only on the hooks of our walls?
Ya Allah! I am your weak servant and follower of the most Beautiful religion that you have given and bestowed upon me. I seek your mercy and forgiveness for the wrongs that i've done, for the sins that i've committed and the disobedience that was carried out. Please guide me on the straight path, ya Allah!
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