Wednesday, August 17, 2005

the not-so-popular blog post

Do you own a blog? Blogging have created so much attention as more and more people turned to blogging to voice out their personal thoughts or interests. bloggers from the young to the working adults, to the withered and wrinkled and my recent findings, a very busy CEOof an insurance company selling his products. and the creative ones would have their blog nicely put up with their own blog skins...really cool!
Blogging provides a space which you called it your own on the www can name it after your pet, your mother, father, your company, your lover. or something you like very much. maybe named in loving memory after a dead person or a blog title totally out of this world. I started my first at it has all the first hand account of my turbulent journey from pre, post and present situation after i began a journey in search of the truth.. as the addiction to blog became 'unstoppable', i created another blog when i was in a very insecure 'domestic partnership-friendship-relationship' with a guy that i liked every much. and from that blog, were comments left behind by kind-hearted and sympathetic soul to 'heal' my broken heart. and it all began from those heartwarming comments from the kind-hearted soul that lead me to the very first blog called "Nonsensical Logic" (cant remember the exact spelling) but now is popularly known as The World from My Eyes. ever since, i could not stop myself from reading it...
What do you like to blog about? i noticed about the popularity of blogging about pub or club hopping, from Zouk to DXO to MoMo, about political issues revolving around their countries and some blogging about how many levels have they won in a maplestory game. of so many blogs i've come across, nobody has ever been so attracted or tempted to write about religion issues. i might not be the first but i'm definitely not the last to do so.
Questions which people ask me are:
a)"Eh, why you convert ah?marriage ah? so when you getting married?"
b)"Got a malay boyfriend? so when getting married?"
c)"Sure or not, this religion so good meh?"religion play play only what. why so serious one."
and when you tell them the reasons that got you attracted to the religion, they go "Oh i see." that's it. no one bothers to find out more. no one would say: "Oh, can i follow the next time you attend your class?" NO. because religion to some is purely amusement or a pastime during retirement. But islam is more than just a religion. It is a way of life as what it is truly known. it is not a religion for terrorists, extremists or just a religion for the 'dark-skinned' fellow men. Islam is about coming back to where you belong originally. i share with you this verse, simple one. to ponder:
"Your Guardian-Lord is Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth in six days, and is firmly established on the throne (of authority): He draweth the night as a veil o'er the day, each seeking the other in rapid succession: He created the sun, the moon, and the stars, (all) governed by laws under His command. Is it not His to create and to govern? Blessed be Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds" Al-Quran 7:56
You may not grab the entire beautiful meaning in just this verse. but put it simply, God created the universe for us. with animals and plants for our sustenance on earth. with the sun and the moon to differentiate day and night so that mankind can rest. with gravity so that we can stand on our feet firmly otherwise even earth can also be felt like as though you are in space. it was the wonders of nature on this entire universe that drew me closer and closer to Islam, hence the decision to embrace it all on my own free will, at no expense of compulsion whatsoever. and i have a few people to thank for being able to come this far...

to be continued....


blue said...

Thanks for dropping by gal. I'm glad you gave me your rm0.02 but i felt that your comments are far more valued than 2cents.
Yeah, no doubt, i've come across many people who have perceived me embracing islam because of marriage.though i know i do not have to prove anyone wrong,but as a true muslim, you know you only have yourself to account for whatever actions you do.
i'm very happy that your perception of islam wasnt tainted by the fanatics all over the world now.

blue said...

Sure missy misty ;P
Actually i tried to do the blogroll thingy but dun know why you link doesnt appear leh. hmmm...
i'm not so good with all these technie stuff...