You may ask:
a. Linus*?
b. me?
c. my baby?
d. my brother?
e. my mum when she's young?
Give me your answers, quick! If you guessed it correctly, there's a one night free stay @ my home sweet home abode.... anyone interested??
This morning, i had the sweetest surprise!!! as the title implies, i've got a surprised breakfast item from Linus* Isn't he sweet? i was touched by this little act. the sms came first. this was his exact words:
"I bought breakfast for you. Its in the pantry. white package."
I was really astounded. amazed. esctatic. you might think i'm nuts. just a breakfast only why get so excited about it, but well, these kind of moments don't come all the time. so perks like this do really brighten up my day so to speak.
but early this morning i had bought two fried eggs to go along with my white bread. so i had decided to keep the pastry till lunch. but shockingly, this was what i found out: (see the picture below to understand more) People who saw me taking the pixs thought i wanted to complain to Delifrance. no la i won't. although i am a singaporean, but i'm not a complaint queen. sadly, one of the endearing traits was to complain about everything PRACTICALLY.
Where is the fillings??Looked so empty.
For keepsake of sweet sweet memories:
1. missed the times he used to twirl my hair. though it hurts most of the time, but i enjoyed it. i'm a sadist. sometimes i get to enjoy the acts of him twirling his hair.
2. missed the times we would go and pack our dinner at our fav hangout. then we would rush home and watch tv and eat our dinner together. desserts: snuggle up in each other's arms.
3. missed the times when i present his gifts to him, i would get a special prize from him.
4. missed those times when we spent chatting about everything under the sun. we could talk like we've known each other for so long. (its hard to find one that you can talk to almost about everything)
5. missed those times when we enjoyed good movies together.
6. missed the times he made bread with egg mayo and asam or prawn maggi concoct with his own recipes for me.
7. missed those times where automatically he would ask me for dinner. and i could tag along wherever he goes.
8. missed those times when he really missed me. and without fail, every morning, i would get breakfast for him and he would smsed me every single day.EverySingleDay. without fail.
9. most importantly, missed those sms-es with the word 'huney' that came buzzing into my phone. missed those goodnight kisses too.(virtual ones la of course)
so ever since this happened, i've stooped to cooking up excuses to ask him out, on his part, he has STOPPED doing all that inviting he used to do. PERIOD.
saddening though. so many changes to cope recently. but no matter how difficult it is to adapt, we still need to understand that life still need to go on. and take it as a challenge as decreed by God.
to be continued....
singapore. a little red dot with big hopes and dreams as quoted by our PM. maybe for a small minortiy, singaporeans do have big dreams and goals. some wanted to achieve on a personal level and some for the country.i'm sure u guys have read it in the papers about the many aspiring sportsmen and women alike, wanting to climb the highest mountains or break a world record etc... just like the recent 26year old student who attempted the English channel swim. when he completed, he pointed to the singapore flag and exclaimed that he did it for Singapore. he got the courage. he dared to dream and he made it. Congrats, PJ!
in the N-day message, PM has also emphasized his concerns about building a solid and perfect education system, assisting the people with rising medical costs, creating jobs and providing training for the unskilled people, and bringing in more talent for economic growth etc. The government cares. TOO MUCh, some might think and TOO PERFECT also. but how perfect it can be, over a period of time, flaws can be visible. just like harline cracks on the wall. i overheard a smoker complaining in the kopitiam: "aiya, government terok la. this one also cannot, that one also must control. smoking in kopitiam also want to ban.how can? and you know what, the person who came up with this ruling.i saw his son smoking." How ironic. frankly, it all boils down to each and every individual to ponder or fend for their thoughts, actions or initiatives. government can only do that much. but consider 'that much' of work they have done, bear in mind afterall YOU decide how you can make things work for yourself. individual or cohesive effort?
and talking about tolerance level, irregardless of race, language or religion as what our pledge commands, a minority of singaporeans are still far off from what they pledge. because racists talks are dominant and on the rise in a company populated with more chineses over the malays or indians.if the malays can tolerate the 'ashes' flying around in the air during this month, i'm sure the chineses can also tolerate the 'call of the prayer' too though, undeniably, the frequency is higher than that of yours. maybe adults would excuse themselves because they no longer need to pledge this anymore during morning assemblies. if not for the annual affair of reaffirming your identity and love for your country, i think it would soon be deemed forgotten by many. so much for a 'one united people'.
back to my own portfolio.this year, a second time for me.together with my other colleagues,we have to participate in a national day observance jointly organised by the three major network transport companies in s'pore as an effort to commemorate the nation's independence day. this year, i wasnt quite looking forward to the day. i had the intention to take mc on that day. i would briefly explain that participants consists of many personnel from different departments and different subsidiaries. like last year, he participated in this national day observance too. we had to sit in a chartered bus heading for the stadium. he was seated next to his most beloved and favourite neighbour. and worse still, they were seating behind me. i was with another colleague. this year, i would be alone. and i dread going through pangs of poignant isolation growing day by day as my relationship with my colleagues soured... i do not want to go through any 'sour grape' feeling or witness any actions or moments that i might be 'isolated' from the group.thank God. i got another meeting to attend elsewhere. a big sigh of relief!
Disclaimer: this blog is not 'racist-tested'. and no personal attacks against race, religion whatsoever.