Thursday, September 22, 2005


That was the key word i picked up from my lesson on Tuesday.and that was also my last lesson of the second module.

REPENTANCE.derived as being aware of the mistakes you have committed and seek forgiveness from God. and that you would not repeat the same old mistake again.

In Islam,we are taught not to transgress the prohibitions laid down by God.simple things such as gossiping,slandering or backbiting about another person behind his/her back without their knowledge is considered bad. and this is totally discouraged. because Islam doesn't just emphasize on the 5 compulsory acts (pillars of Islam)required by any muslim, banking on building good virtues, nurturing good actions and thoughts towards fellow muslims and non-muslims as well. unlike what my mum says about islam, that muslims are so rigid la, they build a wall among themselves by restraining themselves etc etc... well, all i can say to her is that you cant judge a book by its cover. understanding the basis of the teachings first before you make baseless assumptions about it. many things can't be measured or judged by its surface. i wont be saying that i'm a good practising muslim but nevertheless, as vicegerent on earth, i'm making use of every moment here useful by applying what i learn in islam to my daily routine. may God grant me wisdom to do so...
so henceforth, i was repentful with the previous post that i wrote about my colleague. and had even given her names. of course, the treatment she had given me was uncalled for. and i really dont like it. and i dont know what to do with the attitude she displayed towards me. but after my class on tuesday, it made me realised that no matter how bad she treats me, i should never ever reciprocate the bad feelings she have towards me and return the same to her. i should not entertain the notion of the latter part of this phrase :'good begets good and bad begets bad.' and therefore, i sincerely repent that i would never write or think anything bad about her. it's true some might tell me, 'but angel, what's the point of being good and nice, and everyone still treats you like shit? aren't you doing something like 'finding a needle in a heap of hay?' well, perhaps i hope that one day (to the will of God) her heart will be melted by my kind hearted gestures i offer at work. and because i want to set a good example that muslims behave amicably and not 'foolishly declaring JIHAD (misconcepted word) in the name of Islam.' muslims behave intelligently by learning to live in harmony regardless of the different races and religions amongst all of us.
though she might not know that i have said bad things about her and thereafter i had sincerely repented, i guess only i know myself if i can perservere and strive to cross this hurdle at work. and remember this people:
Change and reform can only comes from within.

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