She also shared with me that most of the older generation Muslims found Islam to be an oppresive and restrictive religion, hence they never felt that Islam is the right religion for them.
All it takes is just some true understanding of what Islam is all about.
When I first heard about Islam, all I knew about it was the 'malays' can't do this and can't do that, or can't eat this nor can't eat that. And you are right, I thought Islam is only for the malays, just like Christianity for the Caucasians, Eurasians etc etc, and naturally all Chinese would be praying to the idols. But my perception opened up only when my ex colleague decides to speak to me about Islam through a fresh perceptive. From then on, my perception about Islam is no longer a one-sided story. All praises be to Allah! for opening the doors to me!
It is not hard to imagine how Allah swt is the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate and the Most Generous! He gives without hesitation! Not just to the Muslims, but to His entire Creation! Only mankind fails to comprehend His generousity and greatness. And no matter where you are, what you are doing, and which phase of your life you are going through, know and be comforted by the thought that Allah is always with us.
The Prophet s.a.w said:There are one hundred parts of mercy. Allah has given only one part which is distributed among the jinn, humankind, animals and insects. It is because of this that they are kind to one another, show mercy to one another; it is because of it that a wild animal is kind to its young. But, Allah has kept ninety-nie parts of mercy with Him, which He will show to His servants on the Day of Resurrection. (Bukhari, Muslim)
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