Friday, November 28, 2008

Power of Basmalah

This is a story i'm sure most of us would have hear it, either from your sheikh, or probably your friend's sheikh, or perhaps your teacher's sheikh. Anyhow, I guess this story is popular because of the value it contains.
It happened to one of the teachers who was a sheikh in Yugoslavia. It was during Ramadan, the Islamic month of fasting. There once was a hoja, a teacher, who preached to the people every day in the mosque. One day he was talking about the importance of saying Bismillah, that this word held great power. With this word you could open enormous doors. With this word you could even walk across the lake in front of the mosque.

In the congregation was a man who lived on the other side of the lake. As he left that late afternoon, he began thinking: why should I walk around the lake? It takes 2 hours to walk around the lake, I could say Bismillah and walk across the lake.

That day he said Bismillah, and he walked on the water across the lake. In the morning, on his way to the mosque, instead of taking the 2 hour road, he said Bismillah and again walked across the lake. He went directly to the hoja and said, "Hoja, you are a wonderful teacher. I've gotten so much from you that I would like to invite you to iftar with my family tonight." As an invitation cannot be refused, the hoja said," Alhamdulillah, Insha'Allah, we'll break fast together."

At the day's end, they left the mosque and walked to the bank of the river. As he was about to cross he said," Come on hoja."

The hoja said," Don't we have to go around the lake to get to your house on the other side?"

He said," No, we'll say Bismillah, and walk across the lake."

He said Bismillah, and began walking across the lake. When he was about twenty feet out, he looked back, and seeing the hoja still on the shore, said, " Well, hoja, say Bismillah and come on."

The hoja said," Wait a minute, I mean, I know I said that, but I don't think that I'm at the level where i can say Bismillah and walk on water." The man said, "All right, come, I'll carry you across."

He put the hoja on his shoulder, said Bismillah, and walked across.

Now, the hoja had book knowledge. The hoja had not experienced what he knew. The man was truly an alim, a man of knowledge and a true believer.

I think it takes more than book knowledge, for a believer, to let him 'walk' on water.

Non muslims would probably think if all muslims can perform such an act, we would be doing some kind of 'black magic' or something.
Now here's another story about a woman. She has the habit of saying Bismillah before carrying out any act, I literally mean, every single action; from drinking water, to opening of fridge, right down to the act of opening her cupboard. So one day, the husband wanted to 'teach' her a lesson that she do not need to say Bismillah for EVERY single action. He gave her a bag of gold coins and told her to keep it with her. And so she kept it in her wardrobe, repeating Bismillah for every single action. At night, while she was sleeping, her husband crept out of bed, took the bag of gold coins from the wardrobe and dropped it into the well.
The next day, the husband went to the wife and asked for the bag of gold coins. Again, she said Bismillah before opening the wardrobe, she said Bismillah and she picked up the bag of gold coins and Bismillah again before she handed the bag of gold coins to her husband. It was dripping wet!!!
Brothers and sisters in Islam, never underestimate the Power of Basmalah.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Guidance from above

There is this uncle who works as a cleaner at my workplace and he's amazingly friendly and quite knowledgeable. And coincidentally, he is the uncle of my friend.Such a small world indeed!

So everytime, he comes into the office to clear the rubbish from my workstation, we would exchange greetings and ask one another's wellbeing.

One day, I asked him if he has any knowledge of Islam. And he said he knows because he has friends who shared the information about Islam with him. And truly indeed, everytime he comes by my workstation, he would clarify the doubts he has about the Islamic rituals and stuff. Like for example, he told me that he had a friend who was a very pious Muslim. When he fast, he would spit out the saliva from his mouth. And through such sharing, i would help to dispel the confusion or doubts he has about fasting.

I really enjoyed talking to him about Islam. I was determined to show him the Quran but i only have a copy of the Quran in chinese translation and furthermore, i was unsure if i could pass him the Quran that contained arabic words. So i sought help from one of the sister from Darul. Finally, after a couple of months, i managed to meet this sister and got her to obtain 2 copies of the Quran for me. And alhamdulillah, i got clearance that it is okay to give someone a Quran translation.

And so, the day came, when i passed him the Quran. He was elated, and he kept on thanking me. I briefly told him about the simple dos and don'ts (not wanting to scare him away). Guess what? The next day, he came to me that he had placed it in a big box and he would keep them in a high place. And amazingly, because of his prior knowledge of Christianity and Catholism, he was able to understand what was said in surah al-Baqarah. All Praise be to Allah! Allah swt has bestowed wisdom and understanding upon him.

Ya Allah! Please continue to bestow guidance upon him and his family and guide them on the straight path..and make them muslims in this life.. amin.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Luqman's wisdom

Wisdom provides us with the capacity to solve real life problems. So, acquiring wisdom becomes a must if we want to live meaningful lives. As we live through life and its experiences, it is vital that we reflect on such experiences to make our subsequent steps in life easier.

As Immanuel Kant, a famous philosopher said that “Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life.”

So, if wisdom enables a person to make more sound decisions, take a shortcut path to success, recalibrate values for the better, and simply live a better life, then why not spend time reflecting on our own experiences as well as learning from others?

As Will Durant, a renowned philosopher and Pulitzer Prize winner stated, “A wise man can learn from another man’s experience; a fool cannot learn even from his own.”

The words of the Quran and teachings of our prophet Muhammad guide us to a wealth of wisdom and knowledge. In fact, Allah calls Quran the “Book of wisdom” in many places in the Quran. He says: “A.L.R. These are the ayats of the Book of wisdom.” (Yunus, Chapter #10, Verse #1). The Almighty also says: “We have sent it down as an Arabic Quran, in order that ye may learn wisdom.” (Yusuf, Chapter #12, Verse #2)

Quran emphasizes the importance of wisdom throughout its text. Allah sent prophets and messengers to propagate that wisdom. He says in one of such verses: “A similar (favor have ye already received) is that We have sent among you a Messenger of your own, rehearsing to you Our Signs, and sanctifying you, and instructing you in Scripture and wisdom, and in new knowledge.” (Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #151)”

In its text, Quran also teaches wisdom through the words of a person named Luqman. Although not a prophet, Allah had granted him enormous wisdom. He was wise enough to have an entire chapter named after him. He was a pious person and according to the Quran was granted wisdom by Allah. As Allah says in the Quran: And indeed We bestowed upon Luqman AlHikmah (wisdom and religious understanding, etc.) saying: “Give thanks to Allah,” and whoever gives thanks, he gives thanks for (the good of) his ownself. And whoever is unthankful, then verily, Allah is All Rich (Free of all wants), Worthy of all praise. (Luqman: 12)
In his book “Stories of the Prophet”, Ibn Katheer writes that Luqman’s real name was known as “Luqman Ibn ‘Anqa’ Ibn Sadun” or according to some “Luqman Ibn Tharan” who was from among the people of Aylah (Jerusalem) (Stated by As-Suhaili from Ibn Jarir and Al-Qutaibi). Some accounts describe him as an Ethiopian slave who worked as a carpenter. Because of his wisdom people went to him to settle their affairs and therefore he was also known to be a judge.

Although Quran makes no reference regarding him being as a prophet, it is narrated by some as described by Ibn Katheer in his book “Stories of the Prophet” that he was offered to become one. Ibn Katheer mentions, Sa’id said: I heard Qatadah as saying: It was said to Luqman: “How did you prefer wisdom to Prophethood when you were enabled to choose between them?” He said: “If Allah were to assign me with Prophethood, I would accept it and try hard to win His Pleasure, but He enabled me to choose. I feared of being too weak for Prophethood, so I chose wisdom.”

Luqman’s Wisdom
The following are the words of wisdom of Luqman as described in the Quran. Later, another section quotes his wisdom as narrated by other reliable narrators as mentioned by Ibn Katheer in his book “Stories of the Prophets”.

Luqman’s wisdom in the Quran
Luqman’s wisdom in the Quran is described in the context of him explaining it to his son. It is described in the Quran in the following verses.

Regarding not to associate anyone in the worship and oneness of Allah –
And (remember) when Luqman said to his son when he was advising him: “O my son! Join not in worship others with Allah. Verily! Joining others in worship with Allah is a great Zoolm (wrong) indeed. (Quran: Luqman: 13)

Being dutiful to ones parents –
And We have enjoined on man (to be dutiful and good) to his parents. His mother bore him in weakness and hardship upon weakness and hardship, and his weaning is in two years give thanks to Me and to your parents, unto Me is the final destination. (Quran: Luqman: 14)
Being dutiful to ones parents except where they tell you to deviate from the Right path –
But if they (both) strive with you to make you join in worship with Me others that of which you have no knowledge, then obey them not, but behave with them in the world kindly, and follow the path of him who turns to Me in repentance and in obedience. Then to Me will be your return, and I shall tell you what you used to do. (Quran: Luqman: 15)

Every person is accountable for everything that he does
“O my son! If it be (anything) equal to the weight of a grain of mustard seed, and though it be in a rock, or in the heavens or in the earth, Allah will bring it forth. Verily, Allah is Subtle (in bringing out that grain), WellAware (of its place). (Quran: Luqman: 16)

Enjoining Prayers
“O my son! perform AsSalat (prayers), enjoin (people) for Al-Maroof (Islamic Monotheism and all that is good), and forbid (people) from AlMunkar (i.e. disbelief in the Oneness of Allah, polytheism of all kinds and all that is evil and bad), and bear with patience whatever befalls you. Verily! These are some of the important commandments ordered by Allah with no exemption. (Quran: Luqman: 17)

Do not be arrogant and proud
“And turn not your face away from men with pride, nor walk in insolence through the earth. Verily, Allah likes not each arrogant boaster. (Quran: Luqman: 18)

Be humble and lower your voice
“And be moderate (or show no insolence) in your walking, and lower your voice. Verily, the harshest of all voices is the voice (braying) of the donkey.” (Quran: Luqman: 19)

Other words of wisdom from Luqman (not narrated in the Quran) [ibn Katheer]

Luqman on being granted respect and honor
Narrated Ibn Wahb: I was told by ‘Abdullah Ibn ‘Ayyash Al-Fityani after’ Umar, the freed slave of ‘Afrah as saying: “A man came to Luqman, the wise and asked: Are you Luqman? Are you the slave of so and so? He said: “Yes!” The man said: You are the black shepherd! Luqman said: As for my black color, it is obviously apparent, so what makes you so astonished? The man said: You became frequently visited by the people who pleasingly accept your judgments! Luqman said: 0 cousin! If you do what I am telling you, you will be like this. The man said: What is it? Luqman said: Lowering my gaze, watching my tongue, eating what is lawful, keeping my chastity, undertaking my promises, fulfilling my commitments, being hospitable to guests, respecting my neighbors, and discarding what does not concern me. All these made me the one you are looking at.”
Lowering of the gaze usually refers to not looking at men / women (other than your spouse) with a bad desire and to look at them only for valid reasons as prescribed in the religion. Refer to for detailed explanation on this topic.

Luqman on the value of Wisdom
Narrated Damurah after As-Sariy Ibn Yahia as saying: Luqman said to his son: “O my son! Verily, wisdom has brought the indigent to the courts of kings. ”
Luqman on propagating wisdom to others and to take it seriously when given by others
I was told by my father after ‘Amr Ibn ‘Uthman after Damurah Ibn Hafs Ibn ‘Umar as saying: “Luqman placed a bag of mustards beside him and started to advise his son, giving him with every piece of advice a mustard till it all ran out. He said: O my son! I gave you advice that if a mountain was given, it would split………”

Luqman on the need to have a pleasing tongue and sound heart
Yazid Ibn Hamn and Waki’ told us after Abul AShhab after Khalid Ar-Rab’i as saying: “Luqman was an Ethiopian slave who worked as a carpenter. One day, his master ordered him to slaughter a goat and bring him the most pleasant and delicious two parts thereof. Luqman did so and brought him the tongue and heart. The master asked: Did not you find anything more pleasant than these? Luqman said: No! After a while, the master ordered him to slaughter a goat and to throw the most malignant two parts thereof. Luqman slaughtered the goat and threw the tongue and heart. The master exclaimed and said: I ordered you to bring me the most delicious parts thereof and you brought me the tongue and heart, and I ordered you to throwaway the most malignant parts thereof and you threw the tongue and heart, how can this be? Luqman said: Nothing can be more pleasing than these if they were good, and nothing can be more malicious than these if they were malignant.”

Luqman on “Speech is silver and slince is golden”
Luqman said to his son: “O my son! I have never regretted because of keeping silent. If words are silver, silence is golden.”

Luqman on the need to have kindness, mercy and love for others
Abu Mu’awiyah told us after Hisham Ibn ‘Urwah after his father as saying: “Wisdom dictates: O my son: Let your speech be good and your face be smiling, you will be more loved by the people than those who give them provisions.” And, he said: “It is stated in the wisdom -or the Torah - : “Kindness is the head of wisdom.” And, he said: “It is stated in the Torah: “As you show mercy (to others), mercy will be shown to you.”

Luqman on giving
And, he said: “It is stated in the wisdom: “You will gain what you give (or, harvest what you grow).”

Luqman on friendships
And, he said: “It is stated in the wisdom: “Love your friend and the friend of your father.”

Luqman on patience, knowledge, and goodness
`Abdur Razzaq told us after Mu’amir after Ayyub after Abu Qulabah as saying: Luqman was once asked: Who is the best one in terms of patience? He said: It is the one who practices no harm after observing patience. Those who asked him said: Who is the best one in terms of knowledge? He said: It is he who adds to his own knowledge through the knowledge of others. They asked: Who is the best from among the whole people? He said: It is the wealthy. They said: Is it the one who has properties and riches? He said: No! But, it is the one if whose good was sought, he would not hold it back or prevent it. And, it is the one who does not need anything from others.

Luqman on the need to keep good company and to consult scholars
‘Abdullah Ibn Ahmed said: I was told by Al-­Hakam Ibn Abu Zuhair Ibn Musa after Al-Faraj Ibn Fudalah after Abu Sa’id as saying: Luqman said to his son: “O my son! Let only the pious men eat your food, and consult the scholars over your affairs.”

Finally, wisdom in matters is one of the blessings that Allah grants to His creation.
The Almighty says in the Quran: “He grants Hikmah to whom He pleases, and he, to whom Hikmah is granted, is indeed granted abundant good. But none remember (will receive admonition) except men of understanding.” (Quran: Al-Baqara: 269)

Note: Hikmah here refers to “Wisdom”

Source: Taken from

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Pre conversion days

In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful

Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth stands out clear from Error; whoever rejects Evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things. (256) Allah is the Protector of those who have faith: from the depths of darkness, He will lead them forth into light. Of those who reject faith the patrons are the Evil Ones: from light they will lead them forth into the depths of darkness. They will be companions of the fire, to dwell therein (for ever). Surah al-Baqarah 2:255~256

Do you live a meaningful and purpose-driven life?

Do you have the slightest idea what are you here for?

Do you feel lost during certain phases of your life?

It was ‘Yes’ for all in my 20 odd years of living. But that was 3 years ago. The life that I had before Islam was like as though I was in complete darkness. I passed each day with no sense of direction. Day by day, year by year, my life was always the same. Even though I was practicing Buddhism; going for ‘chanting’ at the temple with my mum, going for overnight prayers for 7days straight in a row in the temple etc, they were rituals done superficially. My heart wasn’t there. Whenever I’m in there, I yearn for the shopping malls outside. There was no willingness, thus no concentration. I still remember the times when I told my mum I was going to the temple for prayers, she would be very happy. But she didn’t know that I probably stayed there for only an hour or so, and I would skive off to shop in town. (the temple was slapped in the town area near Somerset MRT).

So this went on for almost 4 years and it’s about the same length of time I was a vegetarian. This special diet only lasted for 2 years, after that I don’t know when did I began my yearning for chicken. Seriously, then the chicken tasted extremely delicious. Probably because it was ‘forbidden fruit’ for me at that time. Slowly, my vegetarian meals were only at home.

Despite me reading and reading the Buddhism materials over and over again, I couldn’t find what I wanted to know all my life. I wanted to know where did I come from, besides from the womb of my mother. Who else holds the decision to decide which child should be born into which family? Who maintains the universe? Who decides when the world should end? All these wasn’t mentioned in any of the scriptures that I’m always chanting. I was getting sick of it. Of course, there was the good side of Buddhism. That is, all Buddhists must love human beings. They must love the animals too, that’s why they are not eating them. They must be the people who don’t lie, cheat, steal etc.. all those bad things, you get the point? They too, have their own commandments. They should be people who have a lot of compassion. All these are acceptable, except for the fact that they are worshipping other statures.

Finally, one day, The One and Only God who created me shone light upon the path that I was walking on. He let in a glimpse of light upon me by sending me a guardian cum colleague cum mentor cum good friend. By the grace and mercy of Allah swt, I was given answers that I had been longing to hear. Finally, I heard the TRUTH. TRUTH about myself, about my surroundings, about the Universe, about when the world will end, and last but not least, about the existence of my CREATOR. Allahu Akbar!!!

Slowly but steadily, I was guided by Allah swt through my mentor on the path towards Islam. I thought it should be quite easy but it wasn’t. I faced ostracised by colleagues and friends when they heard what I did to myself. What I faced at home was even worse. To an extent, I was threatened by my parents that if I convert, I would get chased out of my home. I was really really very sad. The next day I went to work and confided in my colleague. He was the only person I could go to during those trying times.

Till now, when I recall these memories, I realised that I had to cope with so much changes at one go. Everything just happened at the same time. (silly me, of course it would). I was hoping that my friends would accept who I am truly and not judge me or the friendship that we have based on the religion alone. It isn’t fair but never mind.

I am very fortunate and grateful to Allah swt for giving me the opportunity in this life to be a Muslim. There’s no more other lives to come, to be able to receive this guidance. It is this very moment in my life, and only this life that is so crucial. For whatever that I do, or whoever I become determines my state in the Hereafter.

I hope this inspires other Muslims who think that they have lots of time in this world to repent later.

Think again. Do you know when are you going to die?

Monday, November 10, 2008


In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate Most Merciful

我有一直在研究该如何用华文字母来 。现在我想得通了。原因何在,要写华文字?因为我将说一些很伤心的事,况且大部分的读者都是朋友,也不受华文教育,所以不会看得懂。






我现在,很真诚,很努力的在专心于我的真主祷告,求他来帮助我, 引导我,不要让我迷失了方向。

"And whether ye hide your word or publish it, He certainly has (full) knowledge, of the secrets of (all) hearts. Should He not know― He that created? And He is the One that understands the finest mysteries (and) is well-acquainted (with them). " Surah al Mulk 67 :12~13

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

All Praise is due to Allah, the One, the mighty Administrator of all worldly affairs, who favoured us with is faith and bequeathed upon us blessings that enabled us to worship Him and duly thank Him. Peace and blessings be upon His noble Slave and Messenger, Muhammad s.a.w, Mercy to mankind, and upon his family and all of his companions.

Du'a or 'supplication' or 'prayer', is the medium of direct communication between man and his Lord wherein man reveals his intimate feelings and desires: wherein he beseeches his Creator and Lord to fulfill his aspirations and needs. Supplication is a source of contentment and peace of mind at times of great distress. It is an inspiration for the hopeless. It is the expression of a man's loneliness, meekness, and inability in the court of Almighty Allah. Du'a is also a form of ibadah. The significance and reality of du'a is explained in the following hadith: Nu'man ibn Bashir r.a relates that Allah's Messenger s.a.w said:" Du'a is worship", then he recited the following verse:" And your Lord says 'Call on Me. I will answer you. Surely those who are too proud to serve Me will enter Hell abased.'(Quran 40:60) (Tirmidhi) And also we should supplicate to Allah, in times of difficulties and ease. To remember Allah in any situation; standing, sitting, or lying down on their sides.

Allah swt says," Remember Me and I will remember you."(Quran 40:60) and "I have not created the Jinn or Humans but for My worship" (Quran 51:56).

We feel a sense of belonging, protection, and safety, when we call out to Allah. And, when coupled with the powerful formulae of supplication and remembrance, this calling leads to a feeling of tranquility within our heart and mind.

The etiquette of supplication
When supplicating to Allah swt, these are just a few to mention:
1. Abstain from unlawful(haram) food, drink and clothing.
2. Abstain from unlawful income.
3. Be sincere in what you ask for.
4. Confess one's sins.
5. Praise Allah before and after the du'a.
6. Send salutations and blessings upon the Messenger of Allah s.a.w at the beginning and at the end of the du'a.
7. Plead to Allah in utmost humility.
8.Make du'a through the mediation of Allah's beautiful names.
9.Begin by first making du'a for oneself, then for one's parents, then for the whole Ummah.
10. Be realistic when making du'a. Do not ask Allah for unreasonable things.
11.Do not be impatient, expecting the du'a to be granted immediately.
12. Make du'a with conviction regarding its acceptance.
13. The du'a should be made from the depth of the heart and with full concentration, for Allah does not accept the du'a of a careless person.

These are not all but the list mentioned above are the ones you can pay special attention to.

I'm trying my hands at motherhood, as i once mentioned, which means i'm still trying.

May Allah grant me offsprings whom He will be pleased with. amin. And May Allah swt, the Most Generous Creator, grant offsprings to my friends who are also trying to have additional members in their family. amin.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

I miss you, Wang Lee Hom

Wang Lee Hom is in town!!! For his World Tour Concert 2008 happening on 1 November 2008!
I got wind of this poster when i passed by the information counter at IMM. I got really excited about it, and had planned to watch it, no matter what.
So i snapped a picture of this so that I can show my husband.
But unfortunately, after several appeals, I've failed in all my missions.
At first, he tried to dissuade me with this comment:" You see, darling. You might be the only Chinese girl that wears the scarf to a Chinese music concert."
"That's the best da'wah i could do!" I exclaimed.
He asked for the ticket prices and i listed out to him from the lowest category ($78) to the highest ($198). Of course, I won't spend so much money on a concert. (Though i very much would hope to do so because i could come so close to him). I told him that I wouldn't mind going to the concert alone if I am allowed the $108 category. He grinned and started complaining the steep ticket prices again.
I started to 'haunt' him as early as late September till the very last week of October. But all he did was to ask me to get his DVD concert when it's released. So long I have to wait!!!! Sigh....
Till today, he still asked me about the ticket prices. Aaarrgghhhh.... rubbing salt into my wound...
I'm gonna miss you very much, Lee Hom.
Wishing you success for your concert tonight! Mmuacckss!!!!!!!