Wednesday, June 25, 2008

from darkness into light

Today is the day.

Today is the day. But ** years ago... I exited from my mother's womb.

Today is the day. But ** years ago... I exited from darkness and enter into light.

Today is the day Allah swt send me to earth. as a vicegerent. I had probably forgotten about the covenant between me and my Lord.

The light was so bright that it was glaring to my tiny little eyes.

The light from the bulb in the delivery ward. The light from the sun. The light coming forth from the cameras.

I was a Muslim then. Until my parents made me into a Buddhist.

Alhamdulillah !!(All praises and glorification belongs to Allah swt.)

Allahu akbar! (God is the Greatest)

With Allah's hidayah(guidance), I became a Muslim again after ** years. Initially, i felt that it was kinda late for me to be a Muslim. But after much pondering, I don't think so anymore.

It's better late than never right? Alhamdulillah!

Yesterday, I just learnt that the great Companion, the Guardian of Islam, Umar bin Khattab r.a(may Allah be pleased with him) has entered into Islam at the age of 26 years old. So I am alright..

My 'dunya' wishes: 'to grow taller, to have a home free from creepy crawlies and to have a loving husband'.
(I remembered a friend used to sing a birthday song for me on his mobile phone and sent it to me)
My 'akhirah' wishes: that Allah swt may accept my ibadah and reward me insya allah, that Allah may raise me up on Judgement Day not as a bankrupt and may Allah swt give me the keys to Jannah. insya allah. amin.

I also hope that Allah swt will grant ALL MUSLIMS His rahmat, taufiq and hidayah. AMIN.


Hamid said...


Hope n pray for ur life to sail smoothly till u reach the shore-jannah.

Allahukaber kabeera.It was really great to learn that Allah has guided u towards his light,his deen,his jannah.He guide's only those who wish/seek for it.I ask Allah swt to strengthen ur faith n make among the heirs of paradise-a'meen.

Shukran for visiting my blog n commenting.

alfaqeer said...


Ameen ameen ya Rabbal Alamin!

How blessed we are to have Allah guide us alhamdulillah!

Thanks for your comment. InsyaAllah I will come back to read again here. :)