Today is the day.
Today is the day. But ** years ago... I exited from my mother's womb.
Today is the day. But ** years ago... I exited from darkness and enter into light.
Today is the day Allah swt send me to earth. as a vicegerent. I had probably forgotten about the covenant between me and my Lord.
The light was so bright that it was glaring to my tiny little eyes.
The light from the bulb in the delivery ward. The light from the sun. The light coming forth from the cameras.
I was a Muslim then. Until my parents made me into a Buddhist.
Alhamdulillah !!(All praises and glorification belongs to Allah swt.)
Allahu akbar! (God is the Greatest)
With Allah's hidayah(guidance), I became a Muslim again after ** years. Initially, i felt that it was kinda late for me to be a Muslim. But after much pondering, I don't think so anymore.
It's better late than never right? Alhamdulillah!
Yesterday, I just learnt that the great Companion, the Guardian of Islam, Umar bin Khattab r.a(may Allah be pleased with him) has entered into Islam at the age of 26 years old. So I am alright..
My 'dunya' wishes: 'to grow taller, to have a home free from creepy crawlies and to have a loving husband'.
(I remembered a friend used to sing a birthday song for me on his mobile phone and sent it to me)
My 'akhirah' wishes: that Allah swt may accept my ibadah and reward me insya allah, that Allah may raise me up on Judgement Day not as a bankrupt and may Allah swt give me the keys to Jannah. insya allah. amin.
I also hope that Allah swt will grant ALL MUSLIMS His rahmat, taufiq and hidayah. AMIN.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
Discuss or debate??
On an early and wet Sunday morning, instead of spending a cosy day snugging below our blankets, me and my husband went all the way to Orchard to catch an early morning show with our friends at The Cathay. (usually when it's raining, he doesn't ride his bike so we had to take a train down)
We didn't get any seats because we didn't start our journey at BL. We stood here the door so that we can get a bird's eye view of the scenery outside. Halfway through the journey, a Chinese man, in his mid 50s probably came up to my husband and asked;' Is your wife a Chinese?' He was surprised and I was surprised too.
He answered:'Yes'.
Man in his 50s replied: 'Yeah, no wonder she didn't look like a Malay. He looked at me and asked:'So you convert to Islam?'
Me:'Yup. Both me and my husband, but he converted earlier, even before we got married.'
Man:'So both of you believed in Islam, God and Muhammad s.a.w?
Me:' Yes.'
Man:'I have 2 questions. Why did Muhammad saw told his followers to marry 4 wives and not to eat pork?'
Me:'He didn't tell us to marry 4 wives.' It is restricted up to 4 wives. And during his time, he didn't marry them out of desire but because they were all widows caused by the war.' (and I didn't had the opportunity to explain the clause;'to treat all 4 equally and justly', he cut me off)
Man:'But one of his wife, the youngest one, was only 9years old' (he was referring to Ai'sha r.a and he didn't give me the opportunity to explain).
Me:'Let me explain. Muhammad s.a.w is our Prophet and Messenger send by God. Whatever that inspires him comes to him by revelation, not his own doing.' (he cut me off ago, obviously not wanting to understand more facts)
Man:'So my conclusion, after this conversation, i can tell that you have faith in God. '
And that was it. He went out of the train.
Throughout this conversation, my husband didn't participate in the conversation. His negative body language, as he later told me, was to hint to the man that he doesn't want him to talk to us much. But I wanted to; not harbouring any suspecting thoughts about him 'attacking' the religion, this could be my chance to do da'wah. I thought that he wanted to find out more initially, but then it turned out to be just our Prophet, the polygamy issue and the 'swine'.
My husband said that I was too fast in replying and I should take more time to answer his questions carefully, for his agenda was not because he was inclined towards knowing more about Islam but to throw accusations at our Prophet s.a.w. I admitted that I wasn't really good at giving him answers to make him think harder, but I was telling him whatever that I know and whatever that comes to my mind. I know this is not a very good method. Of course, if given an opportunity to sit down and discuss more, surely I need to do more research. But it's just a short encounter on the train :)
I know my weakness. May Allah swt forgive my shortcomings. amin.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
MALAYSIA: Catholic paper can't use 'Allah' after all
AsiaMedia :: MALAYSIA: Catholic paper can't use 'Allah' after all
I finally found the article that was related to Ustaz's post I finally found the article that was related to Ustaz's post
Ustaz had laid down part by part for us to understand. YOu may refer to his blog for more updates.
I finally found the article that was related to Ustaz's post I finally found the article that was related to Ustaz's post
Ustaz had laid down part by part for us to understand. YOu may refer to his blog for more updates.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Beautiful Sky
Saturday, June 07, 2008
My Liverpool... Will it fade away?

Gone were the glory. Gone were those days...
They made history with Ian Rush, Kevin Keegan, Michael Owen and many others... That's good history etched in every Liverpool fan's memories.
Now, it's another kind of history. Some kind of a history that every Liverpool fan will cry when you ask them about their previous seasons that just passed us.
We call it the 'goal-less drought' season.
Wearing this blouse made me think of the history that was linked to it...
Ian Rush,
Liverpool blouse,
liverpool fan club,
Michael Owen
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Does it look good to eat?

My very own version of a Western meal
Yesterday I whipped up this meal to give my husband a surprise. I wanted to give some kind of a variety to our meals instead of eating rice all the time.
After work, I went to the supermarket to get my ingredients. I made used of what I had in my fridge. Since I had some left over beef given by a neighbour who lived a few blocks away, I decided to do it the Western way. Since I didn't have a griller, I pan fried it with butter instead.
More ideas sprung up as I was preparing the beef slices. I marinated with black pepper, salt and a bit of soya sauce. I left it aside and prepared a fruit and vegetables salad. The idea of a garlic bread came up last minute because I didn't have any potatoes. (carbohydrates) . To make it really Western, I prepared mushroom soup too.
So abracadabra, here's the outcome. I would not say that the beef steaks are really fantastic because they had been kept in the freezer for quite some time and the beef slices were sliced by myself. Some of it were still quite 'chewy'.
My husband said that it's delicious but there's room for improvement.
Hint hint...
Monday, June 02, 2008
Be free...
On that Day from distress and remorse... (This khabar was transmitted through the sage Wahb ibn Munabbih)
Allah Most High proclaims:
Allah Most High proclaims:
'O Children of Adam, if you could see the minute span of precious time that remains until your death, you would renounce all selfish projects and vain expectations. You would restrain your desire to possess, in all its subtle forms. And you would wholeheartedly seek to intensify your good actions. Otherwise, regret will seize you as you are falling into death, when your family and servants leave you, when friends distance themselves from you and even intimates abandon you. From the moment of death, you will no longer be able to return to your people or increase your good actions. Therefore, live now with a clear vision of the Day of Resurrection and be free on that Day from distress and remorse.'
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Enjoy a good laugh!!!
I had a really good laugh when i received this video. Are you familiar with Mariah Carey's songs?If you are, you would laugh to your hearts' content.
If you hadn't watched it before, enjoy it. If you had seen this, treat yourself to another good laugh.
Pay attention to the lyrics yeah.
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