recently, nothing is going smooth at work. bad happenings. the worst thing that i could imagine and hate most is to be the topic for gossip discussion. and this had been dampening my mood, affecting my temperaments. slowing down my brain activity. sigh... got caught in some rumours with a male colleague. speculations had it that i was going out with him. that i was going to get married to him. there were gossips, and disappointment to some that we were an item... another close colleague of mine told me that she felt her brain cells were degenerating after she worked here due to the culture and nature of her working environment. no excitement, no new things to learn, and people had not been treating her nicely. where have all the nice people gone to?
with the recent spate of incidents that happened, we told each other that we would be there for each other and that we will look out from the back for each other. she had also shared with me that her neighbours were 'moonlighting' openly at their workplace...sigh... dont they care about their ricebowl?why let other people know that you have been doing personal stuff at work and risk your career?would u be wise and smart enough to do it discreetly? aarrgghhh.... dread coming to work already, wished i had taken mc for today and for the rest of the week. haha. bad sign.
so i decided to take half day from work tomorrow and go cure my problems with shopping. how nice if shopping(or any of your desires) could actually be cures and solutions for any problems you face in life. and hopefully, my newly called upon boyfriend could dilute and get me out of this 'gossip hole'. i told him to come here and pick me. told him to drive into my office compound and then whack his stereo as loud as he can. he asked me if he should fetch his lamborghini here... no need for that, but probably a Peugeot 307CC would be perfect. hehe... that has been a vehicle i had been longing and desiring to own.... hmmm... 

i've painted a picture of how it would be for tomorrow. all up to God if He wills it to happen...
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