One of the afternoons, while i was waiting for my bus to 'mark my attendance', two of my supervisors came back from lunch and saw me standing there alone. they started asking me why i havent been wearing skirts for so long.i replied that i was no longer into skirts. wanted to shelve off that image of being stared or ogled by men.(should help men restraint their desires) both of them are the 'buayas' in the company, always disturbing women with their disturbing thoughts. and they replied that by covering up entirely, 'entices' them to stare even harder! can you actually imagine such theology? confirmed, chopped, guaranteed BUAYAS (real life term called CROCODILES!!!) so our talk suddenly headed into the religion arena. their theologies are nonsense anyway. dont wish to elaborate and corrupt your minds but basically, they are totally 'submerged' in their own selves, that religion to them are nothing but a waste of time! and i was called a fanatic by them. NOPE i'm not a ZEALOT!Christianity, buddhism, Islam, taoism DO NOT work for any of them. they choose to rely and believe only in themselves. yes, no doubt you need to believe in yourself BUT bear in mind that everything that they use do no belong to them. and they should be thankful that continuous supply of OXYGEN are given to them 24hours a day, without fail! (n.b:no personal attack on any religion. i'm into ecumenism) yes, every religion teaches good. it teaches you to keep away from bad vices (lying, backbiting, stealing etc). but on the other hand, human beings are given that extra present from God which animals don't have: HUMAN INTELLECT. Why? so that human beings are able to identify which are the things that are good for your body, and which are not. we have IQ to go look for jobs we want, to search for the people we want to love and to distinguish between the right and the wrong. so with that intellect, you need to go find the religion that has been completed and perfected for mankind. the religion that is required to keep your mind and soul purified. cleansed. from the thoughts that the two buayas have.
earlier part of that saturday morning, i wanted to impart some 'general knowledge' of the creation of this universe to my mum. but she was not happy about what i said and told me to give up. FAILED
and later part of the day, i met another two friends. they were interested about my sudden change of belief. i shared a little about our beginning. and the reason behind my change. SUBJECTIVE. (no major disagreement but can see from their expressions, they still have doubts.)
well, i did my best. i ain't no saint or preacher. i'm not going round to preach religion but just doing my part to impart the TRUTH which my wise advisor had also done for me. maybe only we know the difference.