Friday, October 16, 2009

Still a Muslim

Ever since I spilled the beans to him, things have changed quite a bit. Well, perhaps shy guys like him need a little push and constant reminding on how to please one’s wife.

Besides repeating the same old thing over and over again but in a different style, using different terms, I really wished I don’t have to do this time and time again. It made me looked like as though I’m the one who is displeased with everything and he’s not.

I reflect upon my own behaviour continuously, reprimanding myself if I had lapses during any time of our relationship. In Allah, all knowledge is with Him. But I know jolly well how I fared badly in this life I loaned from Him.

I will continuously pray to Allah swt for showing and guiding me on this straight path; expose my faults to myself so that I may learn to change them; I would never dream to be a Mukmin until I have better myself as a Muslim.

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