What do you do when you hear terrible 'news' about the one that you love?how would you respond?Can you clarify your doubts with him/her??If they are innocent,they would.but if they aren't,they will tell you to forgive them...
'News' came to me as a shock.i didnt know how to react.Especially in this month of ramadan,not just my mouth and stomach are fasting,but my eyes and ears are fasting too.i wasnt prepared to hear such stuff that would affect my fast in this blessed month.Because hearing such news,would take your attention away from attaining God-consciousness.it just takes away everything.like as though the hard work that you've put in has all gone to waste.
as i began to piece everything that i hear,i didnt expect it to make any sense out of it. the dosage i received this time was double of what i got from the previous betrayal.more details were given.doubts were converted to affirmations and questions were beginning to form in my head.
i didnt know where have i gone wrong.have i not done enough?was the other party/parties having something better than me or doing something more than what i've done for him?upon hearing what was told,my guess might be right.Perhaps the gifts or surprises that i planted on him wasnt sufficient to keep his heart at bay..i know i am not supposed to ask anything in return.i never asked for expensive gifts or fanciful surprises,never did i demand him to acknowledge that i am his girlfriend.i really couldnt understand why is this happening...
i know i would not be able to decipher how important or valued i am to him.but indeed,i have truly learnt a much important and valuable lesson from him.i guessed,since i am not acknowledged as his girlfriend, there wouldnt be any code of conduct that you need to abide: faithfulness.
since the calling of huney has stopped, well i guessed this is a very good start for me to release the accelerator and pull up the hand brakes and stop attaching myself so emotionally to a person that doesnt want to be with me.
BUT....BUT.... BUT....as i've said earlier...Its Ramadan.a blessed month for muslims.i'm supposed to feel physically and spiritually charged up.consciousness of God's commands should be at my fingertips and not the back of my mind.these are all tests that had been decreed by God,to test the beliefs that i've held close to my heart and the religious obligations that i've been commanded to follow.i should not dwell on the unnecessary but only concentrate about building my faith stronger and stronger. (though it can be quite hard to fight all these thoughts away)
An excerpt from the Book of God:Chapter of The Chambers(Surah Al-Hujurat 49:6~8)
"O Believers, if an evil-doer brings you a piece of news,inquire first into its truth,lest you should wrong others unwittingly and then regret your action.Know that God's apostle is among you.If he obeyed you in many matters, you would surely come to grief.But God has endeared the Faith to you and beautified it in you hearts,making unbelief,wrongdoing,and disobedience abhorrent to you.Such are those who are rightly guided through God's grace and bounty. God is all-knowing and wise."
if God willed,i would be given the opportunity to clarify.but i'm not sure if it was alright to warn him about the 'news' that was said about him. if its true would i be able to take the truth? but i didnt want to create any fitnah (false accusations based on hearsay). but right now, i seriously dont know what to do.
i do hope u get thru this girl. sometimes these "people" seem to take wat we do for granted and thus hurt us in a million ways possible. hearing and confirming things abt him sounds like what happened to me when i heard abt the things that "she" did to me. well u have to pick urself up and get on with ur life. hope u have a blessed month of Ramadan! take care!
Kudos to shan. thanks a million!
hi, blue angel. thanks for dropping by my blog. u wanna link up? take care and enjoy Ramadhan!
hey jgn kudos me yet gl.. im still TRYING to get over her. i still get hurt time and time again. being over-sensitive doesn't help my cause too!!! shucks.
blessed be to you. for still knowing how to trust a world where inconsistency, betrayal and survival of the fittest is the common.
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