Sunday, October 23, 2005


Have anyone watched the latest documentary screened on Channelnewsasia? It is called 'Species Odyssey'. here's the link. click here to find out about what is it all about.

When i was still a student. a student with low intellectual thinking. a student with a brain not quite fully developed, i was deceived by my teachers and fellow classmates in schools during science lessons or what-not, that HUMANS evolve from APES. that explains why some are hairy and some are not. some has little hair above their lips and some has 'abundance' of it. those with hairy legs are those who couldnt shed off and there are also some who totally have rid all of it.

but as i grew older, i couldnt accept that theory. theoretically speaking, it doesnt make alot of sense. not even 2cents. i pondered and pondered. but that pondering did not trigger the curiousity inside me to be so bothered to study deep into where actually HUMANS come from. furthermore, teenhood over, then came adulthood and adulthood has other problematic issues to resolve (career, studies, relationship woes etc...) was not until when i reach my mid 20s, i had the golden opportunity to learn about the true evolution of HUMAN creation. you might not believe where i got my answers from because you would think that this is a bias statement. a statement which not only this religion can proclaim credit to answer such profound questions. but if its the truth, there's nothing to proclaim about. because in actual fact, it contains just the truth and nothing but the truth.

it takes two hands to clap. so this might take a muslim to understand what the other muslim is talking about. i'm not preaching my religion but just felt an urge to share and not be mislead by other information which might not be as accurate as it seems.

meanwhile, to satisfy your curiousity (only if you wanna know), watch out for this space while i go and do some search of verses in the Book. if you are really interested, you may like to read some other information here. click only if you are interested. if you dont like, don't click and dont complain about me okay?

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