"Court rise" someone shouted. everyone stands up. "Hearing begins".
The plaintiff being 'blueskies' was being summoned to the deck. after taking the oath, she was told by her lawyer to describe whatever that has happened for the past 6 months. she started crying when she mentioned about her conversion and all that had happened to the two male witnesses of her conversion. she said:
"nobody has the time to care or be concerned about my development as a newcomer to the religion.my friends had left me.i was misunderstood.and i had no attention.worst still,my mentor had no time for me."
the lawyer asked for the judge's permission to summon the witness and the accused.
Mr Mutton chop:" not my fault la. i was just being asked upon as a favour to sit in because my friend asked me to. i dont know who she is. Not my fault, not my fault. why you never ask my friend to come also?"
CJ Chew interrupted and said: "but since you made that promise to sit in as her witness then you should do your part as a witness. that's the responsibility of the witnesses." at this point, the lawyer then summons the second accused. Blueskies's mentor appeared in a timberland tee, timberland pants and his Rockport shoes. eh, no. its the 'made in uk' timberland shoes. and he appeared solemn.
CJ Chew told the lawyer to proceed with his questionings. the lawyer asked him to explain his absence from the classes that blueskies were attending. and despite the appeals she made, there was no attendance from him.
Blueskies mentor:"I did attend the beginners' course halfway through i was sent away on a company assignment."
Lawyer asked:" what about the subsequent courses? Didn't she asked you along too?Didnt she tell you that it would be easier for her to ask questions if you, an important mentor in her journey, failed to encourage or the least be concerned about the curriculum of her development in the religion? what have you got to say about this?"
Blueskies's mentor: "but my life dont just revolve around one student. i got loads of them and some are my girlfriends.(pointing to the big group of women sitting behind him with timberland tees too) and i've got my own family committments too."
Lawyer asked: "but you had made that committment to volunteer as her witness, then you must be able to fulfill your duties as a guardian or mentor to her too. even if you have to juggle many girlfriends at the same time.did she demand lots of time from you? was she unreasonable ?"
Blueskies's mentor: "Not really. but eerrm errmm..."
Lawyer: "Eeerrmm what eerrmm?? *tehh* times up." Judge, he did not fulfill his duties as a mentor to the poorly, unattended newcomer to the religion. he left her in the lurch to attend classes on her own and did nothing motivational in her path of learning. People in the court, how can you bear to see such an interesting and eager to learn person struggling on her own? i have enough of this liao. hey CJ,can you pass sentence now?
(there was hurling and swearing in the courtroom.) "Silence. dong. dong. dong. (sounds like the bell) the hammer was hit 3times by the judge.
CJ Chew: "no need for the jury. I shall now announce that this what funny name,Blueskies's mentor be sentenced to
1) 24/7 availability for any kind of questions relating to religion.
2) automatic registration and attendance is compulsory for all the courses she had signed for.
3) payment of all the course fees, but of course.
4) to upgrade your skills and knowledge so that your mentee can come to you for any kind of questions. no such thing as 'i don't know' or 'but i can check for you asap.'
5) to subsidise for the books she has bought because you are to read them too.
With this sentence, no appeals would be entertained in the near future. and hey you,blueskies, stop irritating us or face stricter fines from the government.
after the trial has passed, the mentor was sobbing and hugging his wailing girlfriends at the dock.
at one corner, Blueskies was smiling cunningly*evilish grin*.
*Legend:words in colours are depicting the main characters of this trial*
*Disclaimer: the above enactment is purely for entertainment purposes. names of the characters are fictitious. should they clash with the living or dead are purely coincidental.*
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