Tick-tock tick-tock. the time on my watch ticking away slowly after my lunch. there were a couple of things needed attention but i was confident that i could finish it before the deadline hits me. so i simply surf my time away,reading people's blogs,gaining inspiration and thoughts..
every tuesday are as usual,i am supposed to attend my tawhid lesson.translated called 'concept of Oneness of God'. and i am always anticipating (not complaining) that my study companion would be around. anyway, Linus* was willing to have dinner with me. *grin*^_^
because i was wearing a new blouse to work. it was a tailor made blouse. it cost me $49 and it was one of my favourite colour, white. so i was telling Linus that this blouse's cutting was kinda of too loose fitting though it was tailor made according to my S size. and you know what he says?Linus* said: 'But it still looked NICE on YOU what?' woww... in my heart, i was thinking. am i dreaming or not? He complimented me leh, for the two years i've known him. this is the FIRST TIME i hear compliments about my clothing from him. but i kept it to myself but right now, i'm blogging it out. haha.
so with the dinner companionship and the compliment, i dived upwards. skyhigh. on cloud nine. *still grinning* ^_^ that's the little things that get you going. makes me happy even though i might sound silly actually... and this coupon on the right certifies that i had dinner with him on this day and at this time... more silly right?
1 comment:
hahaha....well, compliments always maks us girls beam from ear to ear. :)
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