Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Lailatul- Bara'ah (Mid of Sha'ban)

Tonight, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, we are approaching the middle of Sha’ban; the blessed night in the blessed month of our Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.

A month when all deeds are raised to Allah through the door of Prophet s.a.w.(that’s why we are so encouraged to read as much selawat as possible. This, I’m guilty of not doing enough lip service to Prophet s.a.w). These deeds are directly taken down by Prophet s.a.w

This is it. Lailatul Bara’ah – 15th night of Sha’ban; when all deeds in this month shall be raised to Allah and rewarded from a hidden treasure that is reserved for Prophet s.a.w. Allah swt opens for the Ummah great rewards and blessings that shall be taken into account personally by His Beloved.

“O Allah, bless us in our Sha’ban and make us reach Ramadan! And enrich us with fasting and prayers in it, and make us from those who are the pious ones to You in it.”

May Allah swt grant us a good ending in this world and in the Hereafter, place us amongst those who were righteous and pious; and make us return to You in a state of tauhid, iman and islam.

O Believers! Make lots of du’a tonight, and have a blessed night! Amin amin ya robbal alamin!

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