Thursday, August 20, 2009

Allah is our Concealer

Imam Malik said, “I knew a people who had no faults, and they preoccupied themselves with faults of others; God gave them faults. And I knew another people and God gave them faults, and they preoccupied themselves with purifying themselves, ignoring the faults of others; God purified their faults.”

We take care not to reveal our faults nor mistakes of our own, but why do we fail to ignore faults of others? Because we think we are perfect, and we make no mistakes?

Allah swt has promised that whoever covers up the faults of others, He will cover up his faults for him till the Day of Judgement; and whoever reveals the faults of others, Allah swt will expose his to people and on the Day of Judgement.


Ya Allah, You are the most perfect and free from all flaws! I seek refuge with You from being arrogant for I'm far from being perfect, or anywhere near to perfectness.

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