Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Disturbing emails

My ex colleague emailed me an article or rather, another forwarded email from another Muslim. It was about 'sabotaging' Denmark products because of some stupid thing they did and hence got themselves into hot soup.

The previous saga was about the cartoonist who drew caricatures of our Prophet saw and the recent one was from a film director who released a anti Quran documentary.

To date, i've received about 3 emails of such content. But I deleted straight away after reading it, ignoring pleads to 'sabo' the country's products, and the threat of being questioned by Prophet that we will be asked;'What did you do when they laughed or make fun of me?How did you defend me?'

In my humble opinion, (many might not agree) Muslims should circulate emails responsibily. Even if it calls for justice, we should not simply take it into our own hands without knowing the facts or finding out the truth. What happens if there are Muslims in Denmark trying to make a living? What will happen when you sabotage the products but in actual fact, affecting the livelihood of the Muslims there? The cartoonist and the film director are all creations of Allah swt. To a certain extent, they are the ignorant ones. Allah swt is the 'Master of the Day of Judgement' so which means He holds the key to judgement followed by punishment of what we do here in this world. He preserved the Quran for mankind as guidance, so whoever distorts the truth as falsehood, He Himself will do the punishment as He deems fit.

Who are we to punish the Denmark like that?

I speak for myself. I am accountable for my own deeds. I deleted the email without forwarding to any Muslims. In my opinion, i feel that if we were to carry out that sabotage act, does it makes us to become just like them? not acting with proper intellect?

May Allah swt forgive me and my opinions and guide all Muslims on the straight path.amin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just met a Malaysian friend yesterday who told me that when Malaysia wanted to boycott US products some time back, the boycott backfired because some computer products which they wanted to boycott also used chips made in Malaysia, thus indirectly affecting themselves - like shooting themselves in the foot!