Friday, April 22, 2011


Alhamdulillah. was given the opportunity to attend a talk on Good Friday by a Ustadh from USA.
He came here before but was invited by another organisation and i still had the notes from his previous lectures.

I didn't know why. But at one point, when I heard him talking about the trials and tribulations a convert would face, i teared as i recalled my journey.

I teared even more, when i realised how far i have veered away from the path of practises and reminders; how far have i cast myself away from the path of bringing myself closer to Allah...

and tonight, my yearning returned.

and insya allah, may Allah swt continue to guide me on the straight Path, the path that He favoured and not the Path of wrath nor the astrayed. amin amin ya rabbal alamin.

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