Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Taking Off the Hijab

Thought of sharing this article with everyone. And i got this quote from the article which i thought it is very encouraging. Sometimes, in our lives, we feel that we have sinned alot, and we are so far far away from Him. This may help...

"Know, dear questioner, that if you feel far from Allah, the solution is not to stop what you are doing and find a different way, but to persevere and continue on the path you are on, even though it is hard. This will make you beloved to Allah, and one who feels the happiness of being close to Him and being shaded by His Loving Mercy and care."

Taking Off the Hijab

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Salam sis,

I loved the quote you shared. I've copied the whole text from the hyperlink attached into my folder. Somehow, that's how I felt abt myself. Thank you so much for the posting.... it'll help me to pull myself out from this dilemma.

Jazakillahu Khairon and love you.