11 May 2009 was a subsituted PH for Vesak Day. And I was already planning my activities in full gear.
"I could sleep a little later after my Faj'r prayers, i thought to myself". How wonderful is that?
It's like the weekend never ends.
But on that Sunday night, my body was sending some signals to my brain. I was feeling lethargic, my body was beginning to ache. Oh dear.... I was hoping that i wouldn't wake up the next day feeling sick.
And true enough, I was already having a fever in the wee hours of Monday morning... I couldn't sleep well and my whole body was aching so badly...When my husband woke up, i told him i wasn't feeling well, he got me a wet towel for my forehead. I couldn't take any medicine because i have allergies towards paracetamol.
I was really struggling to get out from bed for my subuh prayers. To the extent that I even had to use a chair to perform my prayers. After prayers, i went back to bed again. I was really feeling so weak. I continued to sleep and sleep and sleep because i just couldn't do anything at all. My body couldn't take it.
I called my mum because i thought i could get well by late afternoon and i could drop by and visit her but she told me to rest at home. My fever got higher till it reached 39 degrees celsius and there's nothing much i could do about it. I just continued to sleep it off. I struggled to wake up at 3plus to pray my zuhr and tried to keep awake for my asar prayers.
I went to see the doctor with the help of my husband after magrib. And i could recalled that i didn't finish my dinner and went back to bed. All i could do is to sleep and sleep.
Things just didn't get better on Tuesday and i had to take another day of MC on Wednesday. Fever went down but my body was still aching when i returned to work on Thursday.
During those sick days, i had never prayed once to Allah swt to remove it but only to lighten it, for i know sickness removes sins. and I prayed fervently for His Forgiveness. amin ya robbal alamin.
"What, did you think that We created you in mere idle play, and that you would not be returned to Us?But, high exalted is Allah, the King, the True! There is no god but He, the Lord of the Noble Throne.
(Surah al Muminun 118-116)
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