Isn't that a much desired and needy topic for Muslims nowadays?
Though i may not have kids now, but insya allah, hope that I could benefit much from the lecture and be able to put them into practice so that i may raise sensible and pious children in the near future. amin ya rabb!
Just a gist of what Ust said during the lecture: (you can visit his blog at the link above)
Ustaz began by telling us that he was aware of all that discussions that revolved around muslims; H1N1,facebook etc. These, he felt was less significant than the impending issues and concerns the ummah should discuss about. And especially so, the importance of the Development and Education of the Muslims.
To be a Muslim, you need nurturing. How are we going to nurture our young?
Do we send them to Montessori? The Montessori system is widely used in most pre schools. Do you want to send them there too?
Ustaz started off by quoting this verse from the Quran: (Surah al-Imran:102)
'And hold fast, all of you together, to the cable of Allah, and do not separate. And remember Allah's favour unto you: how ye were enemies and He made friendship between your hearts so that ye became as brothers by His grace; and (how) ye were upon the brink of an abyss of fire, and He did save you from it. Thus Allah maketh clear His revelations unto you, that haply ye may be guided,'
Every Muslim is important to us. He talks about the youth in our current times. The dangers that they were in. The concern and education that they lacked.
du'a iftitah is often recited in our subuh prayers. (Surah al-Anam:162)
"Say: "Truly, my prayer and my service of sacrifice, my life and my death are (all) for Allah, the Cherisher of the Worlds: "
Companies have their own 'vision' or 'mission statement'. Let us as Muslims develop this as our mission statement in our daily lives. We only have this chance of a lifetime. Since Allah swt has guided our hearts towards Islam, shouldn't we be cherishing what He has given us?
"If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah) never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost. (all spiritual good)."
Hadith of Prophet s.a.w:
'Every child is born in a state of fitrah(pure innocence); it is the parent that will make him to be a Jew, or a Christian or a pagan.'
Hence, it is the amanah of a parent.
Hadith reported by al-Hakim:
'Open(speak or when starting to teach in the beginning) recite upon your children the words, 'Laa ilaa Ha il laalah' (There is no god except Allah)
Remember our Kalimatul Haqq.
Instead of singing,'Rockabye baby on the tree top', why not try to sing this 'lullabye of kalimah' to your baby.
Prophet Muhammad s.a.w is our best Educator. Muslims must bear in mind this and not follow any other people of these modern times.
He also said:
Educate (nurture) your children upon 3 things: (Desired outcomes)
- To love your Prophet s.a.w
- To love the family members of his household
- Learn to recite the al-Quran(hadith narrated by Thabrani)
If you don't know the person, how do you love the person? How many of us know the Prophet, know the sirah of our Prophet s.a.w? Maulids are meant to remind/help us remember our Prophet. Do we know what is being read?
Prophet s.a.w said: 'Teach your children to obey Allah, and make them to be mindful(fear to ever)being disobedient towards Allah, instruct them to carry out the commandments, and to abstain from the forbidden, because this will preserve them and you from the Hell fire.' (hadith narrated by Ibn Abbas).
Allah swt teaches us through Luqman in al-Quran: (Surah Luqman:12~19)
We bestowed (in the past) wisdom on Luqman: "Show (thy) gratitude to Allah." Any who is (so) grateful does so to the profit of his own soul: but if any is ungrateful verily Allah is free of all wants, worthy of all praise. (12) - Train our children to be grateful towards Allah swt. Nurture the feeling of thankfulness in our children.
Behold, Luqman said to his son admonishing him: "O my son! Join not in worship (others) with Allah: for false worship is indeed the highest wrong-doing." (13) - The sin of shirk must always be avoided. Do not join partners with Allah in worship.
And We have enjoined on man (to be good) to his parents: in travail upon travail did his mother bear him, and in years twain was his weaning: (hear the command) "Show gratitude to Me and to thy parents: to Me is (thy final) Goal. (14) - Show gratitude towards parents. Teach them to learn how to respect.(one sign of the Akirah:mothers/parents becoming slaves to their children)
"But if they strive to make the join in worship with Me things of which thou hast no knowledge obey them not; Yet bear them company in this life with justice (and consideration) and follow the way of those who turn to Me (in love): in the End the return of you all is to Me, and I will tell you the truth (and meaning) of all that ye did." (15) - Even if your parents are not muslims, you must still take care of them in their old age. Just remember, don't join them in worship other than Allah.
"O my son!" (said Luqman) "If there be (but) the weight of a mustard-seed and it were (hidden) in a rock, or (anywhere) in the heavens or on earth, Allah will bring it forth: for Allah understands the finer mysteries, (and) is well-acquainted (with them). (16) - Taqwa. If you possess this element, your children will follow.
"O my son! Establish regular prayer, enjoin what is just, and forbid what is wrong: and bear with patient constancy whatever betide thee; for this is firmness (of purpose) in (the conduct of) affairs. (17) - Solat! This has been largely neglected. Destroy it, and you will destroy your faith. Prayers are the first thing to be accounted for. Train them to justice; patience (sabr). Inculcation programmes like observance of fasting in Ramadan, Hajj)
"And swell not thy cheek (for pride) at men nor walk in insolence through the earth; for Allah loveth not any arrogant boaster. (18) - Self esteem should not be overtrained till the ego gets 'boosted'. Humility must be inculcated. Respect other people. Be concerned of your shortcomings, and not others.
"And be moderate in thy pace, and lower thy voice; for the harshest of sounds without doubt is the braying of the ass." (19) - Teach them to be gentle and moderate.(means of character; not the volume of the voice). This is the teaching of Adab.
Due to time limitations, this will continue at a later time. You can visit his blog for more notes.
Please forgive me.