Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Reflections on Marriage(part 1)

A hadith states: ‘Marriage completes half of your iman (faith).’

“When the servant of Allah marries, he has fulfilled half the responsibilities laid on him by the faith (Islam), let him (therefore) observe Taqwa (the consciousness and fear of Allah) on matters concerning the remaining half.”

And you can always find this in books like Tranquil Hearts & Muslim Marriage Guidance; and most teachers or friends would say to you when they want to encourage you to get married if you are still ‘available’.

But how is that? How does marriage accomplish that?

After reading up on materials related to marriage, it didn’t state that if you do this… or do that….or any of the following, would complete half of your iman.

Faith, is something intangible right?

I’m almost entering my 2nd year of marriage. And strangely, somehow I never felt any boost-up of my iman level. Instead, I felt down or low-spirited at certain times of my life. I felt like I was worse than the time I was single. When I stayed with my parents, the trials and tribulations came from the ‘clash of interests’. Now, I find myself in a state of trials and tribulation with my spouse. When I’m not in my state of ‘taqwa’, I find myself going against what a wife should observe. But when I’m conscious of Allah swt, I can do what a wife is supposed to observe. Of course, the problem doesn’t lie with him. I know it’s me, and I’m really trying to fix it. Just that, in the midst of fixing it, I entangled myself with the question I mentioned earlier.

I hope Allah swt will send someone to enlighten me on this topic of maintaining a marriage with love and tranquility.


zhulkeflee said...

As-salaamu 'alaykum wr wb.

Here is a good link that may be useful --- it is from our Sis. Ustazah Sharifa Muna al-Habshi from Darul Furqan ... remember?


I pray that Allah s.w.t. grant you both bliss & tranquility. Remember, "with every difficulty there will be ease! (in-nama-'al 'usri- yusro)!

May our TAQWA increase to reach
Allah's Mardhatillaah!


blue said...

Wa alaikumusalam ya Ustaz

Thank you so much for responding, and providing another good means to learn.