This article had appeared in Berita Harian on 19 September '08, page 18. Of course, I couldn't understand. But alhamdulillah, may Allah swt rewards the ones who translated the article and forwarded to other Muslims. Surely, I also want to be part of this and get some rewards of sharing with other Muslims.
Hikmah of the Night of Lailatulqadar
Hadith relates that when Prophet Muhammad s.a.w was given the sight of the people before him who were blessed with the ability to reach long life, hence able to accumulate much ibadah or rewards - the Prophet then realized that his followers would not be able to do so due to our shorter life span.
Hence, Allah blesses Rasulullah with the Night ofLailatul qadar which is worth in rewards of 1,000 months. Hadith relates "On the Night of Lailatu qadar the numbers of Malaikat-Angels that descend to earth will be much more than those of the gravels/pebbles.
The doors of heaven will be open and the curtain that separate the earth and heavenly universe will be lifted. The lifting of curtain separates the governance of the sky/heaven and earth. It will transmit a stream/gush of light which enable the pious or obedient to see Angels in its original self in the act of prostration, zikir, doingtasbih and tahlil. The lifting of the curtain of Heaven will also enable the sight of its heavenly beauty.
Some saw the places of Prophets, Walis and Syuhadahs,while some saw the content of Hell. For some the curtain between them and Allah s.wt. will be lifted. Hadith relates Rasulullah favoured those who stay awake on the night of 27th Ramadan till subuh rather than those who does ibadah on every night of Ramadan.
Sayidatina Fatimah ra daughter of Rasulullah ask Rasul the prescribed act for one who is not capable of doing ibadah on that night.The Prophet replied that one should not sleep instead try to extend their doas and supplication to Allah even if it is for a brief moment.Many ulamas felt besides 27th of Ramadan, the Night of Lailatulqadar can also happen on 21st, 23rd or 25th of Ramadan. Wallahua'lam - Allah knows best.
Hadith relates that on the last 10 days of Ramadan, Rasulullah woke up from his sleep in the night to do ibadah with the hope of increasing his obedience to Allah and to enlighten his spiritual soul. He equated the act of sleeping to be that of death. It has been the practice of Rasulullah to 'iktikaf' or stay in the mosque for the last 10 days with his family. This shows that it is the responsibility of the leader/father to guide his family to show the way to be close to Allah. I guess this mean that it is not just the man who is to do 'iktikaf' in the mosque; he has to encourage his family to come along. Due to our busy work schedule it would be a good effort to try stay at least 1 night in the mosque if not take leave and stay 10 days-nights or 10 nights for Ramadan which comes only once a year.
It is also the month where Al-Qur'an was revealed.
So my husband told me, that whosoever had 'hit' the night of Laylatul Qadr, will taste the sea water sweet instead of salty. So I asked him; 'How do you know?' Do we go to the beach, bring home some sea water, and drink it after every odd night?' He looked at me as though i doubted what he said. Immediately, i replied and said;' Yeah, it's true. That's the only way we could prove it right?' He still thought that I was joking.
O Allah! Please put illuminate our eyes and heart with the noor of the Quran. amin.
1 comment:
Assalamu'alaikum Shafiqa,
May Allah SWT purify us &
Help us to be better muslims
Have a happy Eid. (^-^)v
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