This place is really a good place to 'rediscover your soul'. That's what one of the bro said.
There are only 5 huts, and it comprises of standard and superior chalets.
This is the playground. On most evenings, the kampung kids will all run here to play.

Breakfast was bought from a nearby kampung shop by a sweet sweet bro named nik. You should book him when you visit kota bahru for a holiday. He buys us breakfast EVERY morning. It's every MORNING. Without fail, you know. Masya allah.

And he also brought us to a restaurant in the city, where lunch was damn cheap too. But the idea of eating raw vegetables... scares me away. Later on, when we were seated, and when food was brought right in front of me, things were much different. I just followed what he did and recommended. Oh man, it's nice!
It's something unique to the Kelantanese. Some vegetables are raw(and tasted bitter) and some were just boiled through. So, there's a sauce called, 'budu' where you eat it with. Thank God, for this sauce. If not, i will not be able to survive this lunch.

We also visited a place where they did their own Batik fabric printing. We heard from the staff there that the workers didn't graduate from a professional art school. They came up with their own creativity.

The lady in the 3rd picture; she was 'imported' from Indonesia because they couldn't find a worker as skilled as her to do these handicrafts. I don't think you can find such a skilled worker in Singapore now.
We also went to Siti Khadijah Market. Women ruled the market there. In it, you will find mostly women, selling their fish, chicken, vegetables, drinks, food etc etc. They dominate the entire market! Womennnn Powerrrr!!!

We were brought to the 'Fishermen Village', where we get to witness a profession. This again, you won't be able to find it in Singapore.
One by one, the boats returned from the sea with their catch. Here, you can see this fisherman sorting out the small and the big fishes separately. They will be weighed according to the rate the middle men tells them.
These are truly indeed 'hard earned money'. This is how they earn their living. Allah swt puts their provision in the Big Ocean/Sea so that they may earn their sustenance. God is Great!

That's all bros and sis! But before i finish this post, here's a surprise for everyone! :)
I got this close to nature. :)

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