Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Muharram 1429H

Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh Brothers and Sisters,

Today marks the last day of Zhulhijjah 1428H. And tomorrow will be 1 Muharram 1429H.
Eid Muharram 1429!

As we 'migrate' to a new year, have you made any new year resolutions yet?

Ustaz Shaykh Mohd Ibrahim said that Muslims in this era, though they could not perform any 'migration' liken what our Prophet saw did, we could actually do a spiritual 'migration'. That is, to change from bad to good, or better still, from good to best!

He also quoted some examples so that we could reflect on them:
1. If you don't pray on time, try this year to make sure you pray as soon as the time calls for the specific prayer. Do not procrastinate till the very last minute.

2. If you have always been doing charity and good deeds, resolve to do more. and do it for the sake of Allah, and not for others.

3. Try and wake up for Tahajjud.

4. Read more Quran.

5. Resolve to change your undesirable habits.

I pray that may Allah swt gives us(all muslims over the world) the blessings, strength and constancy to perform all good deeds and supereogatory acts just for the sake of Him, and for the sake of our Hereafter. Amin.


Anonymous said...

Dear Sister,

Happy New Year to you.....and Happy 3rd Brithday to you as a re-born muslim on this tenmuharram1429H. May Allah bless you and reward you for all the good deeds that you've done. Ameen.

blue said...

Dear Brother 'M'anonymous,

Thank you very much for your du'a. May Allah swt also bless and reward you for your du'a. ameen.