Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth stands out clear from Error; whoever rejects Evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things. (256)
3 years ago, I took my shahadah at Darul Arqam with 2 witnesses. This day marks Ashura, the tenth day of Muharram. Muharram is the first islamic month of the year and Ashura means 10, denoting the date in the month. Shortly after the Hijira in AD 622, Prophet Muhammad saw designated Ashura as a day of fasting from sunset to sunset, perhaps patterned on the Jewish Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur). Traditionally, Ashura commemorates two events: the day Nuh (Noah) left the ark and the day Musa (Moses) was saved from the Egyptians by Allah.
When Jewish-Muslim relations became strained, however, Prophet Muhammad saw designated Ramadan the Muslim month of fasting, making Ashura a voluntary fast, as it has remained among Sunnis.
I recalled i was pretty nervous on that day. I still remember the details. I had bought a white scarf for this special moment to match my white blouse and skirt. My parents were out that morning so i don it before i came out of the house. I hid myself a few blocks away from my block and nervously waited for my witness to pick me up. I was really very excited but he looked normal.
As i have already reserved a slot for this day much earlier, I handed over my IC to the officer and waited outside their office for them to call my name. I filled up the form with my new muslim name (which i have thought for a long time). I remembered i was pondering whether should i add 'nur' or should i not. think and think and think... I decided to put it in. :)
We went into a small room together with the officer and my two witnesses. He asked a few questions to confirm my conversion. I nod my head and signed on the dotted line. Thereafter, i was told to attest the shahadah:
' I bear witness that there is no other god worthy of worship except Allah and i bear witness that Prophet Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah'
and I became a MUSLIM. :)
I could have complete the evaluation on that day but i didn't want to because i still needed more time to polish my prayers and the recitation. So after the conversion ceremony, we went for a meal to celebrate my identity as a new muslim.
And so, here I am today, a Chinese Muslim. whom still celebrate Chinese New Year, speaks mandarin and does not have a Malay husband.
If you ask me why do i convert? My only answer is: Alhamdulillah! Allahu Akbar! Allah swt saved me (not Jesus) and showed me the path to the Truth. No words are able to describe the gratitude i have for HIM alone.
I don't consider myself as an exemplar to others as i am still consistently trying to improve my own weaknesses and insya allah, to be a Mukmin(true believer). Ameen.
(my witness remembered this day. Thanks! :)
Alhamdulillah ... Allah works through miraculous ways - beyond our comprehension.
Sincerity, however, is a sure way to salvation - on earth and in the hereafter.
In truth, you are not new to Islam. In fact, you merely were made to be more conscious of your submission to HIM now, through HIS Guidance.
So, many Alhamdulillah all round...
Assalamualaikum, :)
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
It is true thou wilt not be able to guide every one, whom thou lovest; but Allah guides those whom He will and He knows best those who receive guidance. [Quran 28.56]
Guidance is beautiful isn't it!
Your heart is lighted up.
Whatever happen in life, you understand.
مش الله
May Allah SWT Guides us always.
I need it too. :D
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