I received an email from a friend before lunch today. It shocked and disturbed me so much that i forgot to take lunch.
The initial email was probably sent out by a non-muslim who could have some prejudices against Islam and it has been circulated in the big big world of cyberspace. I don't know how long that email has been circulated but i could imagine the damage done to the image of Islam would definitely be humongous if it continued to be circulated amongst people who do not know the entire picture of what happened.
The email would not be linked or pasted here as I do not want to continue this mayhem.But i'll give a brief description of what was it about.From the picture, there was a small boy who positioned his hand near the wheel of a vehicle. Below the arm was a towel and near the boy stood another man who seemed to be holding a whistle in his mouth. Followed on, you will witness a terrible expression on the boy's face because the truck's wheel is now running over his arm.
And guess what, the pictures were narrated with the story of this boy who got caught stealing bread in a market in Iran. And his punishment in the name of islam (as it was stated) was to have his hand 'decapitated'. And the composer of the email 'instigated' everyone to pass the email on. And the purpose was to let everyone know what is happening in the name of God and the religion.
The email was forwarded from one to another and another and another.... don't even know where did it originate from. And it fell into the hands of non-muslims, which were ignorant of what actually happened to the boy. Everyone continued to forward because everyone pitied the boy. Who wouldn't? But how sure would you be, if you are the one receiving the email? Do you know the entire story? Do we always let others influence our perception of things? Are we forwarding emails responsibly?
The power of the information technology and the users that revolve around it.
Much attention has been paid to the 'religion for mankind' in this era, especially since after 9/11. This event have led to people detesting the people who were responsible for the bombing, and the religion that these people held on to and then assuming that all other believers are the same. Though it looked quite difficult to convince others that Islam is a religion of peace and love, yet the converts to Islam were on the rise after 9/11. Why?
They are curious about Islam, but they only base our religion on hearsay. Why didn't they seek clarifications from the right source? Since we are living in a multi-racial and multi religious society, shouldn't all of us learn to live in tranquility with one another?
"We the citizens of Singapore,
Pledge ourselves as One United People,
Regardless of race, language or religion,
to build a democratic society,
based on justice and equality,
so as to achieve happiness, prosperity and progress for Our nation"
Muslims are taught to respect every human being, for all creation came from Allah swt.
Respecting others means respecting yourself.
urblogreader said:
But anyway the truth IS that there's such a thing as a punishment of having one's hands cut due to stealing. In fact there're a number of rather 'inhumane' punishment in Islam, correct? For example having stones thrown at u till u die, as a punishment for zina.
But these punishments are no longer applicable these days in so many ctys including Muslim ctys due to its inhumaneness. So, really, we cant always blame nonmuslim if they have a grim perception of Islam...
urblogreader said:
Sori i dont mean 2 kepo, but wat does ur job require u to do (or rather NOT do) anyway, wic makes it so UNchallenging?
By the way, i read that u gt married..congrats...no offence bt fr wat i can understand fr ur entries, i'm guessing that u didnt exactly marry someone u luv, but just someone u happen to like, can care for and can tolerate, right? Bt i guess u're both learning to 'luv' each other as time passes...which is good actually...
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