Sunday, December 23, 2007
...Death and the Afterlife (continued)
Mankind, after the terrors(mentioned previously), shall be drive to the Traverse, which is a bridge stretched over the gulf of Hell, sharper than a sword and thinner than a hair. Whosoever has in the world kept upright upon the Straight Path (al-sirat almustaqim) shall bear lightly upon the Traverse (sirat) of the Afterlife, and will be saved. But whosoever deviates from uprightness in this world, and weighs down his back with burdens, and disobeys his Lord, shall slip upon taking his first step on the Traverse, and shall go to perdition.
Now mediate upon the terror which shall alight upon your heart at the time when you behold the Traverse and its slenderness, and when your eye then falls upon the core of the Inferno beneath you as your ears are assailed by the moaning and raging of Hell.
You are obliged to walk over this Traverse, despite your weak condition, your palpitating heart, your quaking feet and the burdens which lie so heavily upon your back that you would be incapable of walking upon the flat earth, let alone the sharpness of the Traverse. How shall you fare, then when you have set one of your feet upon it and felt its sharpness, and are compelled to lift your other foot up, while all the time people before you are staggering and slipping off, to be caught by the Angels of Hell with hooks and grapples. You shall watch them toppling over and falling head first towards Hell, with their feet uppermost.
O, how foul is that scene, how difficult that slope, and how narrow that crossing-place!
Look to how your condition shall be when you crawl and ascend upon it, weighed down by the burdens which lie upon your back, glancing to your rightand left at other men as they tumble into Hell. And the Emissary (s.a.w) shall be saying, 'O Lord! Deliver! Deliver!' while shrieks of woe and suffering rise up from the bottom of the Inferno (for many there are who have already slipped from the Traverse). How, then, shall you fare, when your own foot slips, and your contrition avails you not, and you cry in woe and sorrow, saying, 'This is what i used to fear!
Would that I had sent before me something for my ow life! would that I had taken a path with the Emissary! Woe is me! Would that I had never taken so and so as a friend! Would that I were dust! Would that i were forgotten, forgetting! Would that my mother had never begotten me!'....
How do you view your thinking now, when these perils are in front of you? Should you not believe in this, then how prolonged will be your abiding with the unbelievers in the Inferno's depths! Should you believe in it, however, but be heedless thereof and of making preparations for it, out of indifference, then how much have you lost, and how great is your sin! of what use to you is your faith if it does not spur you on to the diligent quest for the satisfaction of God through obedience to Him, and to abandoning acts of rebellion against Him. were there to lie before you no terror save that of the Traverse alone, and the dismay felt by your heart at the peril of crossing it, then even should you receive deliverance it would provide such horror, fear and panic as would always suffice you.... (to be continued)
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Remembrance of Death and the Afterlife
1st part covers - Merit in the Remembrance of Death, Lengthy and Brief Hopes, Agonies and Violence of Death, the death of our Prophet saw and the 4 caliphs and their sayings, Sayings of the saints at funerals and cemeteries, the true nature of death and what the dead man undergoes in the grave and lastly the states of the Dead....
2nd part(which was enjoyable yet frightening) covers - Matters concerning the circumstances of the man deceased from the time when the Trump is blown to his Final Residence in Heaven or in Hell, together with a detailed account of the hazards and terrors which shall confront him.
The Trumpet Blast
The Land and People of the concourse
The Perspiration of the people of the concourse
The Length of the Day of Arising
The Day of Arising, and its Calamities and Names
The Inquisition of Sins
The Scales
The Adversaries, and the Restoration of Wrongs.
The Traverse ('Thread-like Bridge')
The Intercession
The Pool
The Inferno,its Terrors, Torments, Snakes and scorpions.
followed by Heaven and the Varieties of its bliss and many other descriptions...
I would like to share more details on the topic - The Scales
Be not heedless of the Scales. Think upon the flying of the Books to their left and right sides. For after the Inquisition mankind shall be in three parties. One party will be composed of those who have not a single good deed to their credit. In their case there shall emerge from Hell a black creature, which shall snatch them as a bird pecks at grain, and grasp them and pitch them into Hell, which engulfs them. A voice calls out to them,'Sorrow, never to be followed by any joy!"
Another party is composed of those with not a single transgression to their discredit. A voice calls out, saying,'Let those who did praise God abundantly in every state arise!' and they stand up and hasten to Heaven. Then this is done with regard to people who used to stand in the night vigil, and then with those whom no worldly commerce or sale distracted from the remembrance of God. A voice calls out to them, saying,'Joy, never to be followed by any sorrow!'
But a third party, which constitutes the greater part of mankind, still remains. They have mingled good works with ill, and although it may not be plain to them, it is plain to God which of them are those whose good or evil deeds predominate. God, however, demurs from not giving them to know of this, that He many manifest His generousity in pardon, and His equity in chastisement.
So the books and scrolls which contain the good and evil deeds fly up, and the Scales are erected, and all eyes are upturned towards the books: shall they fall into the left scale or the right? Then they look to the Scales themselves: shall they tip in favour of the evil actions or in favour of the good? This state is fearsome indeed, and dazes the minds of all creatures.
Insya allah, next time i'll share some on the topic - The Traverse
P.S: You can get the book at Darul Arqam bookstores or click onto the Wardah Books link on the right side of the blog.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Cyberspace Power
The initial email was probably sent out by a non-muslim who could have some prejudices against Islam and it has been circulated in the big big world of cyberspace. I don't know how long that email has been circulated but i could imagine the damage done to the image of Islam would definitely be humongous if it continued to be circulated amongst people who do not know the entire picture of what happened.
The email would not be linked or pasted here as I do not want to continue this mayhem.But i'll give a brief description of what was it about.From the picture, there was a small boy who positioned his hand near the wheel of a vehicle. Below the arm was a towel and near the boy stood another man who seemed to be holding a whistle in his mouth. Followed on, you will witness a terrible expression on the boy's face because the truck's wheel is now running over his arm.
And guess what, the pictures were narrated with the story of this boy who got caught stealing bread in a market in Iran. And his punishment in the name of islam (as it was stated) was to have his hand 'decapitated'. And the composer of the email 'instigated' everyone to pass the email on. And the purpose was to let everyone know what is happening in the name of God and the religion.
The email was forwarded from one to another and another and another.... don't even know where did it originate from. And it fell into the hands of non-muslims, which were ignorant of what actually happened to the boy. Everyone continued to forward because everyone pitied the boy. Who wouldn't? But how sure would you be, if you are the one receiving the email? Do you know the entire story? Do we always let others influence our perception of things? Are we forwarding emails responsibly?
The power of the information technology and the users that revolve around it.
Much attention has been paid to the 'religion for mankind' in this era, especially since after 9/11. This event have led to people detesting the people who were responsible for the bombing, and the religion that these people held on to and then assuming that all other believers are the same. Though it looked quite difficult to convince others that Islam is a religion of peace and love, yet the converts to Islam were on the rise after 9/11. Why?
They are curious about Islam, but they only base our religion on hearsay. Why didn't they seek clarifications from the right source? Since we are living in a multi-racial and multi religious society, shouldn't all of us learn to live in tranquility with one another?
"We the citizens of Singapore,
Pledge ourselves as One United People,
Regardless of race, language or religion,
to build a democratic society,
based on justice and equality,
so as to achieve happiness, prosperity and progress for Our nation"
Muslims are taught to respect every human being, for all creation came from Allah swt.
Respecting others means respecting yourself.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Excellence in the Performance of Ritual prayers
Strive to your utmost to make your performance of the 5 prayers satisfactory, and do that by making your standing,recitation, humility, bowing, prostrations & prayers' other obligations & sunnas complete in every way.
Before entering into Prayer, bring to your heart the awesomeness of the one you wish to stand before, Majestic and High is He.
Beware of communing with the King of Kings with a distracted heart, deeply lost in the valleys of unawareness & whisperings, roaming the places of incidental thoughts and worldly ideas; you would thus deserve to be hateful to God and expelled from His doorstep.
Allah, Transcentent and Exalted is He, looks at hearts and secrets, not at forms and appearances.
The essence and meaning of worship is presence with God. Acts of worship which are devoid of presence are like dust, easily blown away.
"It's all about the HEART"
Monday, November 19, 2007
Who knows you better?
Allah swt came 'knocking' at my door and alhamdulillah i accepted the deen and embarked the rest of my journey as a Muslim in XY&Z company.Because when i first joined the company,i wasn't a muslim yet so i kept my identity as tightlipped as possible. Not because i was ashamed to be one but the situation doesn't allow me to say it. Colleagues were anti-islam, anti-malay. Praying at my workplace wasn't easy but alhamdulillah i was near a mosque. but i had to take a feeder bus to the mosque. At times, i could make it for congregation. But during busy times, i had to pray at my workplace. Sometimes i do get 'caught' and when that happens, people wagged tongues and they became suspicious.
When i had the opportunity to change my job, i wore my hijab for my interview. Alhamdulillah, i was successful and even got a better paying job. I was even allowed to don my scarf to work. Prayers wasn't tough to carry out, except that during peak periods, i was so busy that i was Late for my prayers. I felt terrible. Job became terrible too and so i left.
Now, I'm in a place where there's not too much work and i have time for prayers. Alhamdulillah.I might not be near a mosque but there's a musollah here. but usually i don't pray there. i found a secluded place near my building. Alhamdulillah. But i found myself complaining that my work is not challenging and i'm getting bored already. But then again, it was through Allah swt blessings and favours that i get to work here and have time to worship Him. He is giving me the opportunity to have 'concentration' in my prayers without any other disturbances.
Then i realised (i'm only speaking for myself) that i always think i know what i want for myself, always think what is good for myself, always think that i know myself best. But i have failed to realise the most important thing.... that....
Allah swt is most Mighty, most Powerful. He knows everything and whatever that is hidden within our breasts. We came from Him, we are His creation. He knows BEST.
I should never try and question Him. "Why did you give me this instead when i wanted that?"
"Why did you not answer my prayer even though i asked for it so many times?"
Surah al-Mulk 67:12~13
As for those who fear their Lord unseen for them is Forgiveness and a great Reward. And whether ye hide your word or publish it, He certainly has (full) knowledge, of the secrets of (all) hearts. Should He not know― He that created? And He is the One that understands the finest mysteries (and) is well-acquainted (with them).
Is then one who walks headlong, with his face grovelling, better guided― or one who walks evenly on a Straight Way? Say: "It is He Who has created you (and made you grow) and made for you the faculties of hearing, seeing, and understanding: little thanks it is ye give."
Thursday, November 15, 2007
He is the one you love and rush to in whatever occupies you, and He is the one you prefer in whatever you turn away from.
Whoever is certain that God seeks him is sincere in seeking Him. He who knows that all matters are in God's hands is recollected through trust in Him. Indeed, it is inevitable that the pillars of this world's house of existence be destroyed and that its precious things be stripped away. For the intelligent man is more joyous over the permanent than he is over the evanescent. His light rays out, glad tidings have come to him. Thus, he turns away from this world, takes no notice of it, shuns it altogether. He does not therefore take it as a homeland, nor does he turn it into a home, but rather, while in it, he arouses his fervor towards God and seeks His help in going to Him. His determination, a riding mount, is restless and ever on the move till it comes to kneel down in the presence of the Holy (hadrat al-quds) on the carpet of intimacy, the place of reciprocal disclosure (al-mufataha), confrontation (al-muwahaja), companionship (al-mujalasa), discussion (al-muhadatha), contemplation (al-mushahada), and viewing (al-mutala'a)
The Presence is the nesting place of the hearts of initiates: they take refuge in it and dwell in it. Then, when they descend to the heaven of obligations and the earth of varied fortune, they do so with authority (al-idhn), stability(at-tamkin), and profundity of certitude (al-yaqin). For they have not so descended to obligations through improper conduct of forgetfulness, nor to fortune through passion and pleasure; but instead, they have entered therein by God and for God and from God to God.
"And say: My Lord, make me enter a truthful entering, and make me go forth a truthful going forth, (Quran 17:80) so that i will see Your strength and power when You make me enter, and will submit and conform myself to You when You make me go out. Give me an authority from You, an ally that helps me or that helps others through me, but not one that goes against me; one that helps me against self regard and extinguishes me from the realm of my senses.
Intimate discourses:
'My God, from the diversity of created things, and the changes of states, I know that it is Your desire to make Yourself known to me in everything so that i will not ignore You in everything.'
'My God, whenever my miserliness makes me dumb, Your generousity makes me articulate, and whenever my attributes make me despair, Your grace gives me hope.'
(excerpts taken from Kitab Al-Hikam)
Friday, October 26, 2007
The Special One in your Life
You may have heard this over and over again.
When i was dating, i always imagined marriage to complete the picture of couplehood. Marriage is the answer to dreadful partings. Marriage is the answer to more affection.. When i was dating, i wanted marriage. But now that i'm married, i realised that the picture of marriage is not 'perfectly perfect' the way i imagined it to be.
I was experiencing mixed feelings about this process called 'marriage', that our Prophet (saw) was encouraging his ummah to do.
I still remembered that we were enthusiastically doing some pre-nuptial research about marriage. We went to the library,borrowed this book called 'Tranquil Hearts', a publication by Darul Arqam, compiled by many local ustazs and ustazahs for the marriage guidance course. We also bought a book from Wardah bookstore called 'A Muslim Marriage Guide'. I recommend this book to all lovers who aspires to tie the knot with their special one.
I told myself that i want to apply all the theorotical knowledge into my 'Marriage Practicum'.
When the day came, and days passed.... weeks passed.... i realised that it wasn't that easy. At times, i admit that i had alot of "nonsense thoughts" up in my head. I was struggling. I felt that the whisperings came when the "bad thoughts" arises. This is really bad, i told myself in my prayers. May Allah swt shower upon me His mercy and forgiveness. Astaghfirullah.
And the quote below which crossed my path when i was begging for guidance by Him. Its by a famous shaykh and would like to share with all:
You don't choose whom you love. He chooses them. If you had that choice to choose; then the road would be simple. Whom he puts in your life, is part of your test: to bear with them, to accept them and most of all to love them despite all that they may agitate you with. After all, they come from Him and they return to Him, just like you did and will do. "...And We have made some of you as a trial for others: will you have patience? And your Lord is Ever All-Seer (Surah al-Furqan:20)
Friday, October 12, 2007
Ramadhan is over
I'm not excited about approaching Syawal, or even Eidul Fitri. Rather, i'm more sad when i leave Ramadhan.
Leaving the month of mercies, blessings and forgiveness. Leaving the best of all months as what Allah swt has decreed.
Leaving Ramadhan, feeling that i've not accomplished anything pleasing in the eyes of Allah, my One and Only God. My Creator, Sustainer, Cherisher, Nourisher. The One that gives without holding back anything which He thinks is good for me.
Leaving the month where Shaitan gets locked up, and there's no other whisperings or promptings except for your own ego enticing you to do bad stuff or think bad stuff.
I left Ramadhan, not being able to complete even half of the Quran.
I left Ramadhan, not consciously waking up for my Night prayers.
I left Ramadhan, not improving my own self as a true believer.
And i approached Syawal, full of regrets. I do not even know if i get to enjoy my 4th Ramadhan.
But i do hope that for the rest of the Muslim bros and sistas out there have accomplished more than i did.
Nevertheless, i'm thankful to Allah for giving me the opportunity to perform my obligatory fasting for the 3rd time.
Monday, October 08, 2007
Reminders of Ramadhan
"What have we got to show for in this blessed month of Ramadhan, despite fasting year after year?
What have we benefitted from our past Ramadhan?"
We always take for granted that we will meet Ramadhan every year.
Year after year of fasting, what do we want to achieve? is fasting solely just for the sake of fasting just because it's incumbent on every muslim?
Fasting yields many benefits for muslims who yearns getting close to Allah swt.
Fast. For a different purpose and meaning today. For a different perspective in life.
May Allah swt forgive our sins and bestow upon us blessings and accept our fast in Ramadhan. Ameen.
*disclaimer* - i do not consider myself as someone very perfect with my fast nor prayers.I hope that by sharing some really useful and informative articles for other muslims to benefit from it.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Gone back to be with Allah

Thursday, September 20, 2007
Ramadan - Month of Allah swt
"O People! The month of Allah (Ramadan)has come with its mercies, blessings and forgiveness.
Allah has decreed this month the best of all months. the days of this month are the best among the days and the nights are the best among the nights and the hours druing Ramadan are the best among the hours. This is a month in which you have been invited by Him (to fast and pray). Allah has honoured you in it. In every breath you take is a reward of Allah, your sleep is worship, your good deeds are accepted and your invocations are answered.
....invoke your Lord in all earnestness with hearts free from sin and evil, and pray that Allah swt may help you to keep your fast and to recite the Holy Quran....
...Guard your tongue against unworthy words, and your eyes from scenes that are not worth seeing (forbidden) and your ears from sounds that should not be heard...
... Do repent to Allah for your sins and supplicate with raised hands at the times of prayer as these are the best times, during which Allah Almighty looks at His servants with mercy. Allah answers if they supplicate, Responds if they call, Grants if He is asked, and Accepts if they entreat. O People! your have made your conscience the slave of your desires...
... invoke Allah for forgiveness. Your back may break from the heavy load of your sins, so prostrate yourself before Allah for long intervals, and make this load lighter. understand fully that Allah has promised in His Honour and Majesty that people who perform salat and sajda (prostration) will be guarded from Hellfire on the Day of Judgement...
O People! anyone who during this month cultivates good manners, will walk over the Sirat (bridge to paradise)on the day when feet will tend to slip...
Whomever offers the recommended prayers during this month, Allah will save him from Hell, and whomever observes his obligations during this month, his reward will be 70x the reward during other months. Whomever repeatedly invokes Allah's blessings on me, Allah will keep his scale of good deeds heavy, while the scales of others will be tending to lightness. Whomever recites dring this month an ayat of the Holy Quran, will get the reward of reciting the whole Quran in other months...
O People! the gates of Paradise remain open during this month. Pray to your Lord that they may not be closed for you. while the gates of Hell are closed, pray to your Lord that they never open for you. Satan has been chained, invoke your Lord not to let him donimate you.
Hope the above inspires you to do more good, and avoid the forbidden.
May Allah swt gives us the strength, power, perserverance and patience and iman to carry out our ibadah(worship) sincerely and wholeheartedly for the sake of Allah swt. Ameen.
Monday, September 03, 2007
a new phase
Marital status: Married.
I had pre-nuptial jitters a few nights before the real thing came. I panicked. I couldn't understand why i felt that way. While we were getting to know each other, i felt that he should be the man that i should choose and that i was definitely looking forward to a married life with him.
Nearing to the wedding week, we spend alot of time together in our new home, trying to get everything organised for the wedding ceremony as well as for the house that we will move in immediately after our wedding. There was alot of differences in opinions about many many things. There were things which i wanted it the way i wanted it to be, but he would always rebuke and then come up with something else.
I guess Allah has his own wisdom by making man and woman differently, think differently, behave differently.
And surely, as many would say, a longlasting marriage requires tolerance, patience and mutual understanding. and plenty of gives and takes.
i still have a long way to go... if God willing.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Everything around us
Before i became a Muslim, i took many things for granted. although i had alot of questions about my existence on planet earth, it was quite hard to figure out from books, answers about how everything is put in its proper place. When i say everything, i mean literally EVERYTHING. Matters like how the sun and the moon run its course the way it should be, why are there earthquakes and tornadoes etc etc...
I was made into a 'buddhist' by my parents. Information about how clouds are formed were from science lessons, information about how countries faced tycoons and thunderstorm were from the buddhism lessons i took from the monk as well as my mother. (she always says that these are caused by greed from human beings) I couldn't accept the facts wholeheartedly, but nevertheless tried to understand it when she associate the terrors of nature are a reflection of how human beings have shaped the nature to be 'cruel' to us.
When i began my journey as a Muslim, i doubted more things. I was told that God is in CONTROL of EVERYTHING. Not that i doubted God, but everything that i needed to know came all together. So i had really took alot of time to digest and understand the bigger scheme of things in a fresh perspective, throwing away thoughts which sounded very silly.
Questions, questions and more questions. Why?When?How did it happen?
Slowly, things became much clearer. Marvelling at God's 'artwork', preparing earth for us, running the sun and the moon at the appropriate times in the day so that mankind has time for rest and work. Science was much more meaningful now than ever because i've related it to God's creation.
Even EVERYTHING in my body reminds me of God. Allah has set everything right. Created a 'masterpiece' of organ system so that everything runs in order. No scientist could ever make that claim. NEVER. and so i end this post, to glorify and praise and thank God for everything that He has given.
Glory be to Allah. All Praise be to Allah. Lord of the worlds.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Which food is more sinful?
i hate late dinners. especially when it's after 8 or 9pm. Body takes longer to digest the food and i can't take foods which are very heavy in carbo.
If you don't know what's that on the right, it's Roti John.
See that mayo on the top. and yes, it's Roti. Bread got lots of carbo. That's for him.
Now, the next one is what i ordered. it's called a thosai. though it's big, but i think
the ingredients might be slightly less sinful.
Probably all flour. I skipped the curry. Took some of the spices.
It usually comes in different taste and flavour, but i chose the plain one.
Friday, July 27, 2007
This is a fast yet convenient, and best of all ..... ECONOMICAL way of preparing my lunch at my workplace.
I bought frozen chicken hotdogs for $1.50 and there's 10pieces. I bought a whole packet of instant noodles(6 packets) for $1.50. And i can eat this over for 6 lunches at least. Once the hotdogs run out, i'll top it up by buying chilli tuna in a can as substitute.
I'm saving for BIG stuff. home stuff. wedding stuff.
Actually, the hotdog wasn't supposed to look like that. Because i forgot to adjust the timing on the oven, and was distracted by a counter enquiry, henceforth, the oven SUCKED out all the water content in the hotdog and my hotdog became dry and hard. But, nevertheless, I still ate it anyway.
Friday, July 06, 2007
Which priority comes first
I came to realise that some muslimahs who don the scarf actually do not pray.
I was shocked to hear that.
It was brought to my awareness when my friend was telling me to approach the muslimahs at my workplace to check where is the musollah located but he said to me: ' not all muslimahs who have the scarf actually pray, so you might ask a 'fake one'. Well, that really came as a surprise to me. For naturally, I would have the impression that all muslimahs who wear the hijab would pray. Why wouldn't they, since they have accepted the hijab to be part of the islamic faith? And prayers, being the pillar of Islam, being the most important pillar for a Muslim, why aren't they also carrying out that commandment?
Recently, I attended a talk at Darul Arqam and the topic was 'The Significance of Rejab'. And while since we are in the month of Rejab, maybe i can share abit of what i heard from Shaykh Mohd Ibrahim.
He shared with us the story of Isra and Mi'raj of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w and got the 'gift of prayer' from Allah swt. Initially, Allah swt decreed that the ummah of Prophet saw should pray 50times per day. While Prophet saw came down, he met Musa a.s and was told to go back to Allah to reduce the number of prayers. Musa a.s said that Prophet's ummah is weak and would not be able to handle the prayers. He made several trips, each trip requesting Allah swt to reduce the load of his ummah.
And so finally it was reduced from 50 to 5 times per day. Musa a.s still told him to go back and reduce it somemore but Prophet saw was so ashamed because he had already made so many trips.
Nevertheless, Allah swt promised Prophet saw that his ummah would still continue to receive the reward of 50prayers even though it was only 5times per day.
How lucky are we to be Prophet's saw ummah!
But think again:' Musa a.s was right about us. We are weak human beings. With only just 5 prayers to manage per day, sometimes we neglect the importance of it, sometimes even thinking lightly of it.
And Allah swt is ever so Merciful, so Generous to His creations. By just praying 5 times, we get a reward equivalent to 50prayers. Is there any other God that can be so generous?
Masha Allah. Glory be to Allah! All Praises belong to Allah, LOrd of the heavens and the earth!!!
Rejab: month of Allah. recommended to ask for alot of forgiveness for Allah is the all-forgiving; most Merciful.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Loss of civic mindedness
While waiting for my midnight bus home, 3 youngsters walking past me. 2 young ladies, probably in their mid teens together with a young man. One of the ladies was holding a beverage can in her hands. They sat on the higher bench, while i was sitting on the lower bench, another bench separating our distance.
I was really really sleepy and tired, suddenly a screeching sound from the can came from that group of youngsters. Then, it followed by another crushing sound. The drink can in that girl's hand was 'disfigured'. The metal thingy was exposed. I turned my head back, thought it might just be the 'itchy and boring hands' doing the act.
Then i heard another sound coming from that side.After 'disfiguring' the can, she conveniently threw it behind her. Not into the trash, mind you. But just aimlessly throwing.
An old auntie who was standing very close to her, reprimanded her for being so inconsiderate. She lectured her in mandarin, reminding her of the danger that it might cause to other people.
She went on and on, telling her to pick it up. And the worse thing was, she turned away from her, blindly ignoring her pleas.
The old auntie had to pick up the can herself and threw it into the bin herself.
And those 3 youngsters did nothing but kept giggling away.
I don't know what other passerbys feel or have thought about what they had just witnessed but i felt totally disgusted.
I do believe they do receive some moral education lessons in school and i also believe that the teachers are definitely doing a good job. but i could not comprehend why would such terrible attitude be present in them? isn't there no sense of shame to let an old auntie teach them this lesson of being civic mindedness in this society?
Is the society losing it? Can we still depend on the young to mould a better world to live in?
Monday, June 25, 2007
Marriage changes oneself
Age is catching up, and a woman's biological clocks goes ticking away. Soon, i will be entering it and becoming a part of the 'community' in a few months time.
Currently,i'm making preparations for our wedding with my husband-to-be. Its a challenging process. We had so many kinds of decisions to make; type/brand of appliances; colours for our tiles, walls, dining table, cabinets etc; design of our wedding card; type of caterer; type of theme for the wedding; budget for every single expenses; and the list just goes on and on and on.............
So in the midst of making all these decisions, there were many trials and difficult times faced by both of us.
When i think of the trials that we faced, it's only very trivial. but there's always niakmah (wisdom and blessings) for us. Lessons for us to learn from our mistakes.
This recent shopping experience at the hardware shop made me learn alot of things. I knew that if he had raised up the issue of my attitude then surely i'm in the wrong and i need to change. I cannot feed my ego and think that whatever that i say or do is right and he is wrong. i found myself crying to God, seeking forgiveness from Him. I truly love him and i really want to work out things with him.
Ego of a human being can really destroy things. shaitan blows whisperings into our ears, to create mischief among couples. If i had succumb myself to shaitan, i would not see myself apologising to him or would even think that there's nothing wrong with the comments that i passed. whatsoever.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Imagine this
(the following para might not deem suitable if you are having lunch while reading this)
I was in the toilet.
Suddenly, i was overwhelmed with gratitude towards my Lord because i pondered upon the greatness of my Lord. i know it's a bad place to think of HIM, but i really hope HE understands what i'm gonna say right here is simply a way of thanking HIM.
Every single organ or muscle in my body is being designed in such a way that no mankind would have the intelligence to create such a system in place.
Imagine this:
1. every single muscle required to clench our fist
2. every single muscle required to release the 'bad stuff' from our anus
3. ability to process all that junk from our body by segregating the proteins and the saturated fats.(for the fats thingy,from a woman's pov, it would be great if the body don't store all of it at the tummy, thighs and arms)
4. every single heartbeat pumping(survival)
5. and the list goes on.....
Perhaps mankind has already take everything for granted. supposedly thinking that the system runs on 'auto gear'...
Think again. Reflect.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Would You Marry Mee?
Two individuals.Male and Female.Living their separate lives for more than 2 decades, coming together as a married couple under one roof.
Does opposites attract or would it turn out to be fatal if either one fails to understand?
It is a challenging job.and it would be a fulfilling one.
'Two people of different personalities coming together as a married couple. be prepared that there will be alot of adjustments to make. Communication is important. Both need to decide and discuss. Remember to GIVE and TAKE.'
Golden words of advice.Heed it.Or else......
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
The Rider and his bike
This bike has gone through at least 3 accidents. Thank God, that those accidents weren't major, and the rider is still in one piece.. managed to brush through with only minor abrasions. The pillion is also very lucky. (not with the victim during these times)
This spot is a favourite spot parked by the biker. its outside a mosque in S'pore. This biker likes to park his bike here and walk all over arab street, bugis, orchard or even suntec city. He also likes to visit the cafes here to drink his favourite teh halia( tea with milk and ginger). i always joked that he's an ambassador for the entire arab street. He knows where to get the best deals, where to get good food and where to drink the best Teh Halia.
Maybe next time i'll introduce him to you.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Long long time
many happenings in my life... Good,bad, but not worst yet. but whatever it is, i thank God for giving me so many chances and opportunities in life
New job,new colleagues, new phase of life...
I will try and blog as often so that i could keep them recorded somehow, for memoirs sake...
Friday, April 27, 2007
God is Great!!!!!!!!
God never fails to hear His believers' prayers. REALLY.
Have patience and TRUST in him.
There's nothing else i'm feeling right now, except but to keep thanking Him in my heart.
So gotta go sleep now and wake up later to pray and say thanks to Him.
Good night........ (=
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
SMS/Long distance call '24434'
i began to feel like i've missed Him alot. though i know He's nearer to me than my jugular vein, and i could just talk to Him anytime and anywhere but because i felt quite sad today. The desire of calling and reaching out to Allah became more intense.
maybe because......
when i feel sad, i do not know who to turn to except Him.
when i feel like crying, i do not know what number can i dial except '244434'
when i need some solace, comfort or consolation, i do not know who else to rely on except Him.
i came across an article while waiting at a lounge, and sadly it reminded me of Linus. arrrgghh... shouldn't talk about him at all...
anyway, i truly truly TRULY feel that there's nothing else in this world except Allah, could fill up the emptiness in my heart, provides the solace and comfort that i always need, and listen to my cries and prayers whenever i'm sad.
even if i do have a partner, i wonder deeply at times, if my partner pays attention to me at all...
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Who should you thank?
why would it be, when there are so many muslims around?and it's the world's second largest religion. has the message gone out clearly to the non muslims, or did they choose to ignore the message and the signs around them?
ISLAM. A way of life. surely and definitely it has its reasons why these 4 words are tagged onto it.
It encompasses everything. it completes everything in your life. Even in Allah's 99 beautiful names, there are cures for everything. You name it. HE has it. insya allah(if God-willing)
Allah gave mankind everything that we need. but its us, human beings, who chooses to take things for granted.
Complacency. InGratitude.
Friday, April 13, 2007
randomly thinking
as i sat on my chair, awaiting for the calls to come in, thoughts flooded my mind about gratitude. and so i thought i wanna blog it out:
Every single breath that i take reminds me of the favours and mercy that God has bestowed upon me.
Without the oxygen that i'm breathing right now, i wouldn't be able to live. without oxygen on earth, there wouldn't be life.
But with Allah, the ever Living, Eternal, self subsisting One, comes mercy and blessings upon mankind.He provided sustenance,gives life, supplies oxygen to all of his creation on earth.
When someone gives you gifts like these in abundance, shouldn't you pay your gratitude to the One who provides without charging you for it? shouldn't you at very least be grateful?
Can you find any objects around that remind you of a presence which hails you to think that this universe has to be maintained and be taken care of?
And all this cannot be done by mankind. but if you think otherwise. it definitely has to be God. but if you think its not God but man, or even scientists like albert einstein or Newton?
they were dead already, but God is still with us.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Friends no more
its not because i wasn't invited and i'm having sour grapes about not getting the invitation.
There's no BIG DEAL about not getting invited, really. its not about the food, neither its about meeting up to see him.
what's disappointing to know that, after all these years of friendship, he didn't even want to let me know about his wedding. and the news actually came from somebody else.
maybe its true that when a guy marries, he has to SEVERE all friendship ties with his female friends to avoid any misunderstanding.
Was he thinking that i would GATECRASH his wedding???!@#$
If he was worried about that, i would probably have a good laugh right now.
Since there's no room for friendship, there's no point thinking about this matter right now.
Chapter on Linus closed. Lesson learnt.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Blogging momentum has resumed
First few days when it started working again, i logged into this bloggers' website. but my mind went BLANK!!! perhaps i had too many things on my mind, so the 'juices for blogging flair' wasn't functioning. Heh heh... as many things have happened recently, this is the night to blog it all out..................
1. has 'better-ed' this blogging thingy. so i took the chance to switch. but i think u wont see much changes in here till i'm pretty much settled down with my job search.
2. i had sent out so many resumes, i realised that i should spent more time personalising the template according to the industry that i'm targeting rather than using one template to suit all. that's bad right?
3. took the opportunity to quickly go online and fill up all the online job application forms.. i think i can be blindfolded and my fingers would just do the job. information from my personal particulars to the jobs that i held are all on the keyboard. haha...
okay, and now the serious and sad part...
anyone who had followed through my conversion story would probably know that my parents ain't happy or least supportive of my decision to convert.and they have never allowed me to cover my 'aurat' islamically when i go out with them. so well now that i'm currently unemployed, instead of being supportive, they were 'disillusioned' by the fact that i was covering up islamically for interviews and i am RUINING my chances of getting employed.
yes, i was sad. i cried all the way to the place i was supposed to meet my friend. i know to others this might be the tiniest thingy to cry over but i was just sad. i really thought my parents were okay with my decision now that it has been for 2 years already. but it proved otherwise.
so last night, over dinner, my dad 'shot' me again.and my mum joined in. (they saw me covered up,looking so much like a 'malay' while making my way home one night)
D: i tell you ah, if u are to cover up like what we saw u that night, u will never be able to get a job.
M: don't cover until like that la. so malay looking. how to get job like that?
......... silence from me......... all the way......... (lucky i was preparing to go out)..........
the other day, my mum said she was instructed by my dad to tell me this.
in order to find a job,she said:
M: Daddy said You better not cover up. and you should not be using your muslim name, otherwise its hard to get employed.
Me: then would all muslim gals be unemployed?' did u see any muslims jobless?
M: no lah, chinese muslim makes it more difficult.
Me: what's so difficult?i'm a human being too. if its difficult getting employed, it would be my quali that's causing the problem, not my dressing up.
and i really felt that God will assist me in times of hardship and difficulties. i wished i could tell them this.
This is how strong i feel about my faith and putting my trust in Him.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Thank God, it's raining again (=
Finally i'm back again. and yes you have guessed it rightly, i am in an internet cafe right now.
My computer kept throwing tantrums at me. at one point of time, i was able to use it for 2 consecutive days, but on the third day, the whole damn thingy just didn't want to work anymore...
Rain poured down on us and upon our neighbouring countries that damages were humongous.people were left homeless, and their properties were floating everywhere. Climate has also undergo major changes in several parts of the world, scientists relating it to the El-Nino thingy.Whether is it Nemo or Nanno, it's God grace and mercy, far beyond our wisdom and knowledge to decipher why did God do such things.
Rainy days are opportunities for my du'as (prayers) to be answered..
And God says in the Holy Quran in Chapter 56,verse 68:
"Consider the water which you drink. Was it you that poured it from the cloud, or We?
If We pleased, We could turn it bitter. Why,then, do you not give thanks?"