Saturday, November 24, 2007

Excellence in the Performance of Ritual prayers

Presence with God is the essence of all acts of worship.

Strive to your utmost to make your performance of the 5 prayers satisfactory, and do that by making your standing,recitation, humility, bowing, prostrations & prayers' other obligations & sunnas complete in every way.

Before entering into Prayer, bring to your heart the awesomeness of the one you wish to stand before, Majestic and High is He.

Beware of communing with the King of Kings with a distracted heart, deeply lost in the valleys of unawareness & whisperings, roaming the places of incidental thoughts and worldly ideas; you would thus deserve to be hateful to God and expelled from His doorstep.

Allah, Transcentent and Exalted is He, looks at hearts and secrets, not at forms and appearances.

The essence and meaning of worship is presence with God. Acts of worship which are devoid of presence are like dust, easily blown away.

"It's all about the HEART"

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