Thursday, September 20, 2007

Ramadan - Month of Allah swt

Prophet s.a.w said:

"O People! The month of Allah (Ramadan)has come with its mercies, blessings and forgiveness.

Allah has decreed this month the best of all months. the days of this month are the best among the days and the nights are the best among the nights and the hours druing Ramadan are the best among the hours. This is a month in which you have been invited by Him (to fast and pray). Allah has honoured you in it. In every breath you take is a reward of Allah, your sleep is worship, your good deeds are accepted and your invocations are answered.

....invoke your Lord in all earnestness with hearts free from sin and evil, and pray that Allah swt may help you to keep your fast and to recite the Holy Quran....

...Guard your tongue against unworthy words, and your eyes from scenes that are not worth seeing (forbidden) and your ears from sounds that should not be heard...

... Do repent to Allah for your sins and supplicate with raised hands at the times of prayer as these are the best times, during which Allah Almighty looks at His servants with mercy. Allah answers if they supplicate, Responds if they call, Grants if He is asked, and Accepts if they entreat. O People! your have made your conscience the slave of your desires...

... invoke Allah for forgiveness. Your back may break from the heavy load of your sins, so prostrate yourself before Allah for long intervals, and make this load lighter. understand fully that Allah has promised in His Honour and Majesty that people who perform salat and sajda (prostration) will be guarded from Hellfire on the Day of Judgement...

O People! anyone who during this month cultivates good manners, will walk over the Sirat (bridge to paradise)on the day when feet will tend to slip...

Whomever offers the recommended prayers during this month, Allah will save him from Hell, and whomever observes his obligations during this month, his reward will be 70x the reward during other months. Whomever repeatedly invokes Allah's blessings on me, Allah will keep his scale of good deeds heavy, while the scales of others will be tending to lightness. Whomever recites dring this month an ayat of the Holy Quran, will get the reward of reciting the whole Quran in other months...

O People! the gates of Paradise remain open during this month. Pray to your Lord that they may not be closed for you. while the gates of Hell are closed, pray to your Lord that they never open for you. Satan has been chained, invoke your Lord not to let him donimate you.

Hope the above inspires you to do more good, and avoid the forbidden.

May Allah swt gives us the strength, power, perserverance and patience and iman to carry out our ibadah(worship) sincerely and wholeheartedly for the sake of Allah swt. Ameen.

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