Monday, February 01, 2010

Toilet favours

Did you remember to thank Allah swt after you leave the toilet?

And did you step in with your left and then exit with your right foot?

No, i'm not talking about the favours or flavours from the toilet but rather favours from Allah swt.

I used to have problems passing my bowels everyday. But alhamdulillah, really really thankful to Allah, it gets better nowadays. And i'm really really thankful to Allah swt for giving me this gift of a healthy digestive and bowel system. Thankful that my body is working 'accordingly'.

I really really think it is a favour from above( Allah swt). I suffered from constipation before and i truly empathise with those who may have worst problems than me. May Allah swt ease those who has such problems. I know and understand that there are really far more serious cases than just constipation.

I have no intention to say anything of anyone but with an intention to remind ourselves the numerous gifts and favours that He has bestowed upon us and not take them for granted.

Our body also has a right over us. We need to take care of it so that we can use it in this world to worship Allah swt.

May Allah swt grant all His servants rahmat, taufiq and an abundance of good health. ameen ameen.

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