Friday, March 06, 2009


I had been thinking of the Sacred Ka'bah since last year. I hope that Allah swt will invite me to his House for Hajj this year, 1430H.

I spent lesser on clothings and food, hoping to save more for my trip to the Sacred House. I kept convincing my husband to make his trip as well since we don't have any kids at the moment. But he was pretty reluctant. (if he doesn't want to go, i can't go). So i'm a bit sad about it. And to rub salt into the wound, i got to know from the
Muis Hajj registration page that Hajj is only available in 1433H, which is 2012!!!

I am not sure when my time is up, and i think it is necessary to do the right things while i'm still alive. I want to perform Hajj!

Same goes for the deeds that i carry out during my lifetime. Are they considered good enough to guarantee my safety across the 'bridge(sirahtul mustaqim)' in the akirah? Am I doing it for the sake of Allah swt, or for the sake of 'showing off'?

What is the purpose of our life here, if we do not make use of our life to accumulate our good deeds for the assurance of Paradise in the Hereafter?

"It is He who has created death and life that He may test which of you is best in deed. "
(Surah al-Mulk 67:2)

Start, then, to prepare for the Akirah today! Why waste your time and energy on what will perish when you can use the same to earn the delights and pleasures of the life to come? Everything you have must be put forward as an investment for that life, but you must keep in mind that the investment is not the objective. All that Allah swt has bestowed on you - body, mind, faculties and property - are valuables for investment, but the real objective is to earn the pleasure of Allah and the rewards of Jannah (Paradise).

Remember that your personal destiny and, therefore, the end of all your life's pursuits, lie in the Akirah, but the road to that destiny lies in Dunya, in this world. Indeed the achievements made during the time of the Prophet were the results of full participation in this world - neither withdrawing nor retiring from it - for the sake of the Life to come. The Prophet s.a.w and his Companions planned for this world as though they were going to stay here forever but equally they sought the rewards of the Hereafter as though death was close at hand. It is this delicate balance that you must strive to achieve in your approach to life.

Prophet Muhammad s.a.w said: This Din or way of life is easy. But if anyone overdoes it, it gets the better of him. So keep to the right course, approximate to perfection, rejoice and ask for help in the mornings, the evenings and some of the later part of the night. (Bukhari)

"When death comes to one of them, he says, 'My Lord, let me return, let me return to life, so that I may act righteously in whatever i have left behind.' Nay, it is but a meaningless word he utters; for, behind them now is the barrier of death until the day they shall be raised up. Then, when the Trumpet will be blown, no ties of kinship will remain between them that day, neither would anyone be able to take care of another. Then, they whose weight of good deeds is heavy in the balance will attain salvation. But, they whose weight is light in the balance, will have squandered their own lives. In Hell will they abide forever.
(Surah al-Muminun 23: 99-103)

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